Dark Eyes. Close your eyes, Joe.. Easy.. Ben, he was lucky that the wound to his abdomen wasnt too deep or it would have been worse. As he pulled the covers up to Joes chest the doc added, he lost a lot of blood, Ben.He turned his attention back to Joe. Open it.. Owww! PaHoss. Ben had been laid up for months, waiting for the bruises and broken bones to heal. Yes, Im here, little brother Adam took a damp towel and gently wiped some of the blood from his brothers damaged face. Adam was searching for words, help, even his own voice for what he just encountered, within his own househis little brotherit was too much for him. Uh, sorry Adam.. You okay?. No, I dont mind at all. His hands were red and wet. Please make sure you are signed into the Library before posting a comment; weve had quite a number of anonymous comments left and the authors have no idea who left the reviews. You are going to tell me just where Marie is buried!, NooooNever! Little Joe was delayed in answering as excruciating pain now radiated throughout his whole body. Neither had any way of knowing what was going on in Joes fevered dreams now that all four men were standing over him. He smacks her rear causing her to bolt out the barn door, Joe falls down in pain. Great story, made me feel better about their fight in the first episode. My..Ma-ma.. Joe suddenly realized that things were going from bad to worse. No sensible person would dig up someones grave Right? Using his right arm, Joe managed to prop himself up and leaned back against the desk. Hot . He was frozen, though he was hot, not cold. He, Adam Cartwrightthe man, Adam Cartwright, had a responsibility, for now it was up to him to take Pas place and take control of the situation at hand. Hed started discretely asking around to find out where shed gone. Hazel Eyes. Little Joe was fond of New Orleans, where his mother was born and lived for most of her life. He has a fever and we need to cool him down. He motioned to Hoss. The system is programmed to remember your information for two years; though it does appear that major update(s) to this plugin will result in the need to reverify your age. Im sorry Joe. Leaning over Little Joe the hostile intruder yelled, She either was or wasnt your mother, boy, now which is it, answer me! Turning toward the door he called out, Dax where are you son? Summary: When Ben decides to marry again for the fourth time, things as they had always been suddenly start going haywire, especially for Little Joe. Lets get to work boys. He turned toward Adam. No one was taking Joes mother. Whoever it was, was on foot so Little Joe knew he could easily overtake him. Ben sternly glanced up at him, Listen son, didnt Little Joe bring a thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture? Joe what do they want her body for? Yes. Come on. Hurts.. He had even delivered Joe. Answer me boy! What do you want? Grasping the mans thick arms, Joe tried to break free, but found it difficult without having leverage on the ground. They took it. Adams shirt was now wet with his little brothers tears. French quarter mother. Forget about us being kin? There we are. He finished. Word about his interest had eventually reached Maries mother-in-law and shed arranged a meeting with David, freely supplying him every detail he needed to find her. Adam?. Your email address will not be published. So, for these reasons Joe just wanted to the Bucket of Blood and have a drink and catch up with some friends. Joe cautiously lifted his eye lids and stared straight past his father who sat in the chair beside him. A Increase font size. Martin began . Pro-mise..prom His upper body slumped against Adam chest causing a natural cradling reflex. HOSS: OH LORDY! ! Little Joe weakly screamed. He didnt notice Joe stirring. Lorne Greene. Have a seat, Roy., Thanks, Ben. He took off his hat and began fidgeting with it. He is young and strong, but still a very sick boy. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. Joe eased his way over to her headstone and, laid the flowers atop it as he carefully and painfully knelt down. Howshould he begin? His clothes still dusty and wet from sweat, the older mans eyes briefly glanced over at his sleeping, injured son and when he no longer could fight the heaviness of his eyelids, rested his weary head against the wing of the chair and drifted off as his dream began. Joes position was making it challenging for the men to treat him. Like Ben, he, too was worried now for both of his brothers. His eyes freely welled up, however, he quickly wiped them before others noticed. I might be able to answer that question.. Thank you. With somber eyes he shook his old friends hand then glanced back at Hoss. Pa what do you think is going on? Hoss asked. He tried to pull his knees toward his chest, but found that even that was painful. It wasnt easy, but Hoss understood just by seeing the scene that was playing out across the room. They all grew to be a close-knit family and Little Joe was like the icing on the cake after he was born. By the time Adam started pushing himself to to his feet, he was so stiff he could almost believe hed suddenly aged twenty years or more, however, it didnt matter how he felt. No clouds in the sky that might cast any funny shadows. Can you help me sit up?, Sure. It was painful and slow going but, Adam managed to get him into a comfortable sitting position. Wide eyed, Adam was sluggish as he entered. I realize now that I have to I should have been there as your brother and not as a parent. Bens reminiscing came to an abrupt end when Adam bolted upright from his chair, knocking it over as he hurried toward the door. Ad-amhelp meHurtsAd-am.wh-ere are youple-ase come ho-me.Ad-am. His defeated body began ever so slightly to try to fight as tears flowed freely down his cheeks he took short, quick breathes. The attack, Ben. He stood up, cracked his back and walked over to face Joe. Summary: Left home alone despite Adams misgivings. I cant let them take mama, I cant! PT means the story is post-timeline. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. A slight smirk ran across his face as he allowed his eyes to wander downward, spotting the mans holey boots. I guess that is why I jumped on you when I saw you playing with that epee. When Hop Sing returns, I will never complain about his cooking again. Joe took a big bite and began strolling out of the kitchen toward the table, but before he could sit down there was a hard persistent knock at the door. Shhh, Joe its okay, buddy. Adam gently placed his hands on Joe to try to calm him. Just a slight wind beginning to rustle some of the upper branches of the pines. Just set in down on the nightstand, Hop Sing, Ill get it in a minute. Holding a book, Joe pretended he was reading. When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle all the night. Marie smiled as the five- year- olds tired green eyes met hers. Bonanza sites you may be interested in: Bonanza Brand. Notes: Posting for Bonanza finally! He knew some complications that could arise from a high fever, but he also knew how to be level headed. Adam gently ran his hand over the young mans blooded mangled curls. Why? Hank I need you to go and get some water boiling. Martin said. Im here for ya Little Joe. A tear slipped down his heavy-hearted face. Joe is either the star or co-star in each of these stories. Where? Joe took a sip of his own coffee. Adam interrupted him. With half a sandwich in one hand, Joe casually opened the door with the other. Dont make me laugh., Hi, Joe. Doc Martin jumped in. Whats going on? Ben and Hoss simultaneously stared at each other. Jenny Thompson was about to have her baby and it was breach. The doc finished checking Joes heartbeat. At the tender age of five, hed watched her fall as she came galloping in on her horse. Please, I need you! He squeezed his eyes closed as he begged for his older brothers return. He looked down at Joe. Who is she? How can I leave him? Youll be alright Joe I promise nothing will happen to mama, and I promise we will get these no good. He was finding understanding and forgiveness, the forgiveness he needed for himself, for the only way for him to eventually help Joe was to help himself first. Ben C., Adam C., Hoss C., Little Joe C. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,462 - Reviews: . Shhh, I gotcha Joe. Adam reassured him. With every swing of the ax, he could hear his older brothers hurtful words. Yes, company. Whispering, he perked up walking to the door. Ad-am hurts?. Ben coughed out, as a smile finally ran across each of their faces simultaneously. I allowed myself into a situation where I didnt have full control, making it easier for me to lash out at you than to listen. His fingers lightly enfolded Little Joes limp hand. He was facing a long day of chores alone. Grungy ole ripped jeans paired with a solid red button-down shirt covered with dirt. I felt bad I had to leave him last night, however, there wasnt anything more I could do and he was resting comfortably. A few tears leaked out as he continued, while looking Adam in the eye. , That monkey pick your French quarter mother gave you.. The realization of what happened to his little brother hit him smack in the face. Bonanza Tv Show. Ad-am help me, pl-ease., Joe, Im here buddy, Adams eyes flew open. why rent a buckboard? Oh, but it hurts so much. The most beautiful dress for my beautiful wife.. Hurts. His breathing was becoming rapid. That sounds good. Joe was a bit anxious to get out. But look how he carried on here with that crazy epee today. David noticed it was a picture of Marie. Pa? Joe was drenched in sweat and his legs were tangled in the sheets. Nooo!, Shhh., youre okay, Joe. Ham sandwiches again, and of course Hoss isnt here to do leftover duty. Joe mumbled as he placed the last slice on the bread. With both hands, the brute of a man nearly lifted him clearly off the ground, where his sandwich now lay. Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. Why? Finally he turned to Jimmy standing by the credenza. Learn how your comment data is processed. Come on Joe this is nonsense and you have a lot of work to do.. Why didnt he listen to me? What was I thinking? Then gigantic hands latched onto Joes tan shirt. Where are you going?. ,Joe..Joe. He reached down to gently lift his younger brother into his arms, and then carried him to the settee. Shhh, take it easy. I know it is time consuming and takes a lot of work. Joe, mamas dead. Hoss, you cant take this personally. He tried to make eye contact but failed. He see Cochise outside and then makes his way to the house. BEN, ADAM AND LITTLE JOE: THAT'S CAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Joe, its me son, Ben sat on the bed next to Little Joe, trying to reassure his son. Afraid you might do something foolish and get hurt. You sure youre okay son? Bens parenting skills were sure being tested now as all three sons required his attention, however, he was a strong man. He knew it was true, but, Little Joe would never knowingly treat Hoss that way. The only thing I can think of that prevented Dubois from making sure he was dead, is this. The sheriff reached in his vest pocket and carefully pulled out the precious item. Bonanza Brand FanFiction Library. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. No copyright infringement is intended. Your gonna be alright. I let Joe down. Uh yeah, lets go. Joe breathed in a breath of fresh ai,r remembering what Hop Sing had said to him just a couple of weeks earlier, when hed struggled to approach his father at the desk, his mind taking him back to the far different struggle hed faced at the hands of the monsters in his nightmares. "episode," is set probably somewhere in between seasons eight and nine of Bonanza. Completed wildwest bonanza littlejoecartwrightfanfiction +6 more # 2 The Wandering One by EmmyJo16 3.1K 57 19 He was not only dealing with an overgrown ape who had most likely bruised his legs, but now he had an angry, drunken mammoth. Your email address will not be published. God, I should have been here. I am sorry, Joe. Come on buddy, stay with me. Reaching down he grasped his brothers limp, bloody hand. He vaguely saw who gave him a towel, but slowly began erasing his crimson covered hands. Come on, Dax. But when a buggy accident claims the life of Nora Cromwell, leaving Little Joe fighting for his own life, both Ben and Joe end up blaming themselves for the other's pain and sorrow. But he knew with the help of his family,Joe would get through this. He was weak so weak. The sheriff is here and wants to speak to us. Ben told him as the sheriff came in through the door behind them. Breathe. A tear slipped out as Joe struggled for air. Joe manages to pull her out and leans against her and starts crying. Come on, I need you to stay awake. He was doing the best he could with what he had. His mother? What the hell are they talking about? The rocker that hed found solace in after his mother had died, where he would sit by the window on clear nights, looking up at the sky as he recited, Star light, Star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. Poor Joe gets beat up a lot. I am leaving Joes medicine here with the instructions. Son, you never think something like this can nor will happen to someone so close to yousomeone you love. Bens eyes filled with tears as he remembered Marie. With every nightmare was continuing pain. Then when I called Marie those awful names. He was now experiencing excruciating pain in his left shoulder, and could only guess the severity of his injury. A careless mess. Boys, this is good news. He looked at his two sons and smiled. Easy buddy. Adam was perplexed. What have I done to upset him so? Except for Hoss, here, but these two are bigger than him. He quickly ran his fingers threw his short gray hair. Joe was barely able to slide his injured left arm across his body so he could examine his right side, where he now lay. You and that no good father of yours killed her!. Try to get some rest. Joes eyes were already closed, however, not before Adam could see the fear and sadness in them. Shhh. Ben had always taught his boys to be polite. Your mother was the best thing that ever happened to our family. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. Im here, Joe., Adam, why? The seventeen-year-old kid was now searching, asking for answers from his older brother. While there, Adam would also be filling out paperwork at the lawyers office for an upcoming contract. He fought to keep his tired eyes open, for he and Hoss had rushed home after hearing the devastating news. Hes too young, just a boy. Ben slowly opened his eyes again and gazed sadly upon his sons broken body. Adam looked skeptical as he gazed at Joe. M-M-Ma A tiny tear rolled down the young mans face as his sad eyes met his fathers. But theyd gotten through it. Oh God, how bad? Realization sank in hearing an ugly, familiar voice and recalling now where he was and what had just occurred. Ben I need you and the boys to promise me you will not go anywhere near the jail right now. There was a long pause as they all frowned and gave hasty nods. In possession of other traits that could work to his advantage or against him, Little Joe Cartwright could have been the greatest outlaw in the west. Is he gone? His breathing slowed a bit, however, he was still trembling. He glanced down at his hands and saw blood dripping from his fingertips. I love how you show Adam as the very loving and caring big brother, great story!!!! Noonooo He only paused for a fraction of a second, then, scraping every ounce of energy he had left, Joe screamed , Noooo! as he slowly rose and awkwardly ran toward them ready to fight. Silent screams were locked in Joes head as monstrous shadows surrounded him. One of them was larger than Hoss. he finished as his concerned eyes met Adams. Tug. Joesph., The three men in the room simultaneously glanced at each other with a puzzled look. His eye lids slowly opened then closed, opened then closed. Good night son. He paused walking up the steps. Usually I post for Sheith but here we are. Adams chest was still a replacement pillow for Joe as his arms carefully supported his younger brother. He then turned to Hoss. Joe? We need to keep that fever down., Yes, of course. Love At First Sight. He staggered as he bent over Joe, who now lay in agony and bleeding from his side as well as his shoulder. How come he had dallied on the way home? Joseph. Ben called out to his youngest son now sitting on the settee. Please Adam, Please come home, I need you!. Heck they had both apologized right? Older brother Adam didn't see it that way. Jimmy was slower to approach, his own gaze locked on the gruesome towels. Please forgive me! Adam was exhausted and fell back in the chair, but continued to speak to his brother. He saw wet crimson sheets covering his baby brother. His thick fisted knuckles brutally made contact with the side of Little Joes face with such force that it sent him crashing into the grandfather clock, rendering him unconscious. Joe, stay with me. Joes heart was pounding so hard he heard it in his ears. What is this idiot talking about? In between gasps Joe blurted out, Shes dead. Not. Bonanzabrits. Why did they want Maries body? Adam wanted to know, but he either had to wait for Little Joe or those thugs to provide him with the answers. He tried to yell. What the heck happened? Sudden fear came over Adam as he sucked in his breath at the first glimpse of Joes mauled, balled up, bloody body. Let us do the work. The three men carefully lifted Joes torso just far enough so he could get a drink without choking. Pa, I dont know what came over me. He was afraid of me., You have to give him time, son. This wasnt easy for Ben. Come on, buddy. Hoss had to fight against tears of his own at seeing that. Replaying yesterdays events in his mind, Little Joe clutched the ax tightly in his hands and slammed it into the wood. Adam froze as the gruesome discovery made it very difficult for him to collect himself ,however, he swiftly knelt down beside his baby brothers head. Im here Joe. He knew he hadnt hurt his little brother, hed been as gentle as he could be. What do ya got there son?. Mamas picture, Adam. Joe whispered. You dont deserve to look like her. Little Joe had watched it happen. Kid, you see my son over there? Davids voice softened a bit as his eyes met Dax, and then sharpened once again as he turned back toward Joe, pushing him over on his back with his foot. A sickly moan was the only response he got. But you and your pa stole all that from us, and you will pay! Rage was etched into the mans face. Ben, I think Joe is lucky to be alive after seeing these two giants. His pacing halted when he stood in front of Ben.
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