This footage has obviously been staged for the camera. Views of visitors and the art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the Library of Congress. INT, children in the classroom learning geography; pictures of buildings/bombing they drew. Bucolic lake countryside. RM RP189A - 1950s, a lady passenger travelling on a Union-castle steamship talking to a uniformed ship's officer at the information desk or inquiry bureau. The 249th General Hospital moved into Camp Drake late in 1965, and began a $2.8 million buildup, of which the new chapel is a part. One women is dressed in contemporary, Western-style clothing, a camel hair coat and felt hat. MS, castle of Polish kings (Wawel) in Krakow, closer view of tourists. The buildings surrounding this look basically in tact. People visible along the banks in the BG. A young boy points to pictures on the wall. Coal. VS, at various angles. In Krakow, MCU young boys with caps with the number "21" walking in unison and looking at the camera. More slates and different farming machinery. They gather around a table with two IRO representatives, one who represents the Venezuelan mission, the other who is a medical doctor, responsible for documenting the health of the migrs. A group of adolescent girls walk along the street toward the church, a wooden cart without a horse is parked along the road. BDM girls in the stands, many heiling with hands outstretched. Scientists/engineers in airship/Zeppelin hangar, working, massive steel. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Cut to Catholic church in the ruins of Warsaw. Windows of houses. Men gather in front of book store to see poster advertising Bavarian clergy, including Bishop Faulhaber. Train moving (towards the camera). 01:04:33 A shanty town that some survivors have set up where their homes once stood: families are trying to gather together their belongings; a young girl cleans her feet in a basin; young girl fixing her hair in a small mirror that she has propped up on a broken door. Pan, WS, building, sign across top of building, crowds lined up. This statute is substantially the same as the law that was in effect at the close of the 90th US Congress in January 1969, i.e. VS of the nurses and nuns demonstrating the damage that was done to the hospital. He recorded this experience in both the book Siege (New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940) and the short film Siege (RKO Radio Pictures, 1940) nominated for an Academy Award in 1940. MLS three young children in the street, walking toward the camera, they smile, continue walking until they are out of frame, then the camera captures them from behind, continuing their walk through the barren streets of the destroyed city of Warsaw. You are always welcome to email us at and we'll conduct a search of our holdings for records related to your request. In Adolf Hitler Platz in Nuremberg, Germans salute/heil en masse for the Party Congress, soldiers marching in BG are barely seen, VAR shots of spectators heiling. 01:02:01 Small town in Germany. Mechanics. 01:05:18 Man drinking Coca-Cola. Group of young women dressed in long top coats, hats, scarves, berets walk along road; the gate is now visible in the BG. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witw, in Kocielisko Commune, Tatrzaski County. **, Sequence of outtakes begins with German planes flying overhead in 1939 during the German invasion of Poland. Parade, marching band. They fill their baskets. Munich? LS, MSs of the new city hospital with 800 beds. Woman selling nuts at market, smiling at camera, pigs, potatoes at market. VS: young men learn to play basketball. Bread. Berlin - Kindergarten scenes at the famous and historic Pestalozzi Froebel Haus, part of the Pestalozzi educational movement. 01:19:00 Scene of dead bodies in a field, a woman is covering the faces of the dead. Workmen hauling lumber around a lumber yard. A quick series of trims featuring zinc mines in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region). Fabric store window with a mannequin, a woman looks from the street. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. (15:25) Young man picks up cans from a windowsill. Art class. The ship was turned over to WSA for duty in Army Transport Service, who rebuilt her to 12,521 gross tons. Between 1950 and 1955 General M. B. Stewart also sailed from Bremerhaven, Germany, to New York and Halifax, Nova Scotia, transporting thousands of European refugees to the United States and Canada under the International Refugee Organization. Patrons dancing on a revolving stage, lively scenes of musicians and patrons enjoying themselves for the evening. Footage has been staged for the camera in order to capture the entire process. The man looks back at the camera a few times after passing the dead woman's body. CUs, photographs of current events. **, Scenes of the Polish army marching through the streets of Warsaw: this is a sign/prelude to war. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW CU, "Krupp" insignia. CU, license plate. "Meet the first DPs" "Ship to Freedom" Numbers on tags pinned to coats of refugees. EXT, MS, miners exiting building in Zakopane, Poland, drinking water. LS of three young boys running about on a farm. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. They are fingerprinted as well. CU man. Men load hay onto a truck. VS: CUs of the students in class and at a social gathering. Man conducts an orchestra. 01:13:14:05 Bryan sits among the rubble talking to those who have lost their home, one woman is fixing her hair, another speaks with Bryan and reaches over to offer him a potato, he thanks her and smiles. Polish cavalry crosses a stream, snowy field. Streets, carts passing. Two open elevators go up and down, people get on and off. People exiting the building and walking under a sign with an American flag that reads VEREINIGTE STAATEN. Men look at a display labeled WHLT DAS VOLK DER USA EINEN PRSIDENTEN. Many people seated at tables covered with newspapers and books in a reading room. They are all in suits and ties, some in trench coats and hats, and they keep digging. INT, family eating, reading newspaper. 01:07:20 Horse and carriage, EXT palace (Potsdam? INT church with crowd of seated academics. INT, young men with a coach on a basketball court. Several refugees with bundles walk down the street, past where the ditches are being dug. EXT, Young women in peasant dress line parade route in Warsaw, Poland. A male teacher helps her. Families line up at desks where young men and women review their identity papers, create new documents, and arrange for them to emigrate to North America (Canada, United States), and various countries in South America. In an appeal heard in 1981, OSHA's view prevailed. It casts a rather ominous shadow on the white tile wall behind it. The girl laughs and plays along. Woman continues to shops for table service and to a women's clothing store featuring a "jesie" [autumn] collection. 01:02:12 City, HJ march in FG, church in BG. Several good CUs of the faces of the workers, the raw zinc ore, machinery, etc. Garments hang and rotate from mirror panels on a wall. **, VS, scene opens with a poster hanging on the outside wall of a new brick schoolhouse announcing the rededication of the school building. The bombed out Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration, one of Warsaw's largest hospitals. Wooden crosses flanked with miniature Polish flags and flowers. Doors open to reveal a classroom of teenagers learning the English language. Short clip of a large military procession of Polish troops, including cannons, horses, etc. Older peasant woman, who stops while walking along a road to kiss a tree, she then continues on. 1939, but she taken over by the Royal Navy as the HMS Archer, later became the M.S. Flag of the Netherlands. Hitler posters. CUs, street lamp. TTY: 202.488.0406. She was transferred to the U.S. Army as USAT General M. B. Stewart in 1946. Girl with kitten. "Blut und Boden." CU of the fabric of the peasant skirts. VS of people on the bridge, then more destruction along railway lines, and people swarming out of their neighborhoods. Boys dive into a pool. The war years scroll by on an animated map with flames, beginning with 1940 until 1945. EXT, church procession, large crowds are gathered outside the church. Repeat of quick shot of an older peasant woman handing her bundles to a man who puts them on a horse drawn carriage. He is removing this clock as a trophy. Flag performance (fast motion). A man looks intently at the weight-lifting photos; young men look at the information, CU on dollar amount totals of monies spent to rebuild Austria, etc, and plans for monies to be spent for this effort through March of 1949; maps; children reading the materials; a man in CU looking at a photo of Harry Truman. INTs, nursery school, cute toddlers at play. Young boys put potatoes in a bucket. VS of the miners at work, chipping away at the walls of the cave with pick axes, etc. CUs, Waclawa with her grandson, looking at a family photo album. In city square, swastika prominently displayed on church, crowd salutes, soldiers marching, more shots of Germans saluting. 01:00:53:14, MS, Warszawa, Poland, old town square, horse drawn carriage, pedestrians, stop sign, street lamp. CU They bow their heads in prayer. Baby in carriage. Balbina was photographed immediately after giving birth to twins at the bombed maternity hospital in 1939 (Photo Archives W/S 47218). Kiosk and vegetable stand on the street in Warsaw-three women are shopping at the stand. MCU, refugees in smaller groups, talking to each other as they wait for entrance to the building. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Women, children, families. Cranes, crates, laborers. She was the first passenger ship of the famous Sitmar Line and the first non-British ship employed to carry assisted immigrants from Britain to Australia. Entrance to Industry exhibit. She was finally transferred back to the Maritime Administration 21 May 1958 and was placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet, Hudson River, New York where she remained until 1967. 01:04:55:02 CU of a large shell casing. 1950-09-14 SS Conte Biancamano Passenger List. CUs of engravings on arches, church, broken statue. Waitress with giant bow. VS of flags waving; military milling about the stadium. EXT, VS, three young girls walking down a dirt road, followed by horse drawn carriage, a church steeple is visible in the BG in Lowicz. Then cut to scenes of Gdansk at 01:16:35 A group of school girls in uniform march down the street carrying Nazi flags, and singing- they are all in their early teens. LS, parade with flags. Genealogy Centre Contact Details Irish Family History Foundation Cana House Farnham Street Cavan Co. Cavan Email: Tracking shot of ship's arrival to NYC. CUs, spectators welcoming Mrs. Roosevelt. Girls in berets and matching coats with fur collars walk along the street by a castle-like building. A man enters, aware of the camera, sign inside booth; "Fasse dich kurtz!" Train station in Poland, people hurrying along the platform, one orthodox Jew hurries along, the rest of the travelers are dressed in contemporary clothing. CU women stop to talk. CU profile of man who cleaned the prison floor in earlier scene. Re: I would like to find information on my parent’s immigration here to the US. VS, several angles on the priest and the congregation outside in the cold and snow. 01:00:04:23 MCU, Warszawa, Poland, house with lion old town, witojaska street LAS of architectural details. White flags drape the gates to the cemetery. Interior - damage to Kodak film laboratory where Bryan's films were being developed. Postmen deliver mail. Courtyard with men moving large sacks. Elderly lady buying a chicken and putting it in her shopping bag- talking to the woman selling it, young dark haired girl in the market. HAS of church clocktower. TRIMS feature a range of MCUs and CUs of locals in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region) in 1936. In the BG a wooden coffin is moving past on the shoulders of some soldiers. Mrs. Roosevelt exiting church with a bouquet of flowers and officials. VS in Linz, Austria: trolley cars, street scenes, etc. More pans of the riverbanks and the bridge far off in the distance now. Girls on bicycles. A comic sequence of an individual dressed in a furry bear costume who teases passersby on the streets of Zakopane in central Poland. Upside down slate reads DAY 28 INT 1 ECA. Two men carefully lower a large spool of wire onto something. INT, Tito walking into his office. Winter 1945/1946 or 1946/1947 Return to city (Danzig?) Farmland in Poland. VS of refugees filing off of trains and towards the ship. 01:04:23:17 MLS of a destroyed area of Warsaw; it seems to be a bridge over one portion of the river and an entrance into the city from an outlying suburb. Men and women gathered in a room with bookshelves, looking at a booklet together. Farm machinery and truck in field, harvesting. Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you learn more about the Holocaust and research your family history. In Lowicz, a young, attractive Polish peasant women is putting on her costume, she wears several layers of skirts, a cropped jacket, and long braids. A foreman barks orders to the workers, he is in a uniform and wears a cap. General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was launched 15 October 1944 under Maritime Commission contract (MC #707) by Kaiser Co., Inc., Yard 3, Richmond, California; sponsored by Mrs. M. B. Stewart; acquired by the Navy and simultaneously commissioned at San Francisco 3 March 1945. Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. 01:14:20 Drilling with sledgehammers on hill, smokestacks in BG. Route: Quebec to Liverpool via Greenock. HJ boys, motorbike, reading. The woman looks disappointed and the man returns to his measurements. 01:21:09 Sequence of Goldschmidt School, showing Margot at the blackboard writing Hebrew with her teacher, Margot Segall slides board up. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. To see the passenger list, use the Book and Page above, to find the correct microfiche in Assisted Immigrants from UK, 1839-1871, Compartment 21, Call no. Cut to MS, refugees of the bombing teaming around their destroyed neighborhood, the site seems to be the former cemetery that is also mentioned in Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940). Shadow of blade falling. A woman pours tea. All are in overcoats, carrying luggage, and they have name tags/ ID tags on their clothing. 01:06:05 Quick shot of the destruction at the American Consular office in Warsaw. MCU, daylight scene- a park in Warsaw, a toddler wheels around a baby in a carriage. EXT, with smoke stacks, refinery in Zakopane, Poland. This clip features a ceremony where President Mosczieksky passes the baton to Marshall Smigly-Ridz, who was being hailed as the man who would lead the Poles to victory over Germany. Newspaper. 01:09:04:10 Chaos on the streets of Warsaw. Several people standing on a train platform as the train pulls into the station. [2], At that time, she was sold to Albany River Transport Inc. of New York and rebuilt as a cargo ship by Todd Shipyard in Brooklyn. There is a large microphone at the piano, it looks as if the performance could have been recorded, although this footage is silent, and no known soundtrack exists. There is a lumber yard at the docks. His photographs appeared in Life Magazine. U.S.N.S. CUs, basketball players. Young children playing in a courtyard, moving large twigs around the street as an elderly woman watches them, preparing for the harvest festival of Sukkot beneath the archway made famous in an iconic Roman Vishniac photograph. School. The doorway is marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church]. Good profile shot of Field Marshall Edward Smigly-Rydz, he is flanked by the President and the Catholic official Cardinal Hlond. Map of Austria with coats of arms. More shots of the soldier standing by a portion of the wing of the plane. VS, of women sorting pieces of zinc on a conveyor belt before processing. Hitler arrives, salutes crowd from middle of square. 01:01:00:00 The destroyed DEUTSCHE BANK, a horse and carriage move through the frame. Hot piece of zinc in a furnace (the refinery in Katowice), zinc plates being made. 01:05:48:22: MS residents milling about on the street, sitting on chairs, surrounded by the few belongings they have left- several young women, one man. SG awards, spectators gathered. Cut to LS of a cavalry regiment coming down another sandy hillside. EXT, MLS, group of men at stable, Lowicz, Poland. CU, statue of a rearing horse and a man holding the lead. U.S. VS of the ships and the cranes along the docks. Apolonia Wiktorzak was photographed in 1939 holding a loaf of bread, now 65 years old (Photo Archives W/S 47371). Crowd looks up at planes, salutes, land review, fighting, crowd. MS, cemetery with men, women, and children. CU, map of Yugoslavia. Now in a village, CUs of Polish children - looking at camera, digging in the dirt, and eating dumplings. **, Staged scenes inside a peasant couple's home. BDM girls place flag in ground, write letters. Bremerhaven, Germany: CU of Julien Bryan's name written in chalk on the side of a railcar, he used this as his camera slate. More shots of workers unloading materials at the dock in Gdynia. 01:22:23:20 Location switches to Salzburg, Austria. They smile, but continue on their way. Women in traditional dress walk along a country road. Marshall Plan parade in the Netherlands. HAS, two men walk on the red carpet in the courtyard. There is little data from 1933-1937 because the books are now inaccessible. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). Float sponsored by Dutch airline KLM passes, followed by one proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white. This reference provides text, photographs, charts, maps, and extensive indexes. Slow motion dance sequence of tradtional Polish folk dancing. Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. CUs, Dutch spectators. EXT man on a horse-drawn mower in a field. Partner Sites Indexing Multiple Databases, Immigration Records by Ethnic, Nationality, Political, Religious, or Socioeconomic Groups, National Archives and Records Administration. 01:08:25:20: Swimming pool, the boys how to dive with a coach, VS, CUs of the coach positioning their bodies, shot from behind, then seen in reverse angle from the front, shot from the opposite side of the pool; more horseplay in the pool. Between 1935 and 1938, he captured unique records of ordinary people and life in Nazi Germany and in Poland, including Jewish areas of Warsaw and Krakow and anti-Jewish signs in Germany. TRIMS of Poland 1936- not connected by subject matter. INT, A Yugoslavian family is seen in their own quarters at the DP camp (staged). 01:21:07 Leica factory. Camera then pans the building, which looks deserted, although the bombing has not damaged it. Woman stacks sod. 9. The man hands the bear money in exchange for his services. While it is difficult to make out- in the distance between the darkness and the flames you can see that there were bucket brigades set up and men were trying in vain to put out the fires. INT, hospital scenes- a pregnant woman lies in a hospital ward- these are scenes from the Catholic hospital that was destroyed in Warsaw during the German air attacks in September of 1939. INTs, Leica factory, various shots. INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout). The woman attendant finds them a magazine about Abraham Lincoln, but the boys want to know about the Lincoln car manufacturer. HAS, beach. CU, shop sign (bookstore). Built by Earles Shipbuilding Co, Hull for the Wilson Line, she was launched on 26th Apr.1881. Building under construction in Warsaw, the sign reads: "Dzwigi Bracia Jenike" and another "Felzytyn Skalenit" Shop window with female mannequins. Two men, a woman, and a dog in the car. Nazi rally, 1937 - Hitler, Himmler, Reichsarbeitsdienst parade; Anti-Bolshevik exhibit crowds; Berlin streets crowded for Mussolini visit. Cut back to the boy with the bust and girls learning needlework. EXT, MS, women at a fruit vendor's stand on a city street in Warsaw. CU, worker takes off his mask as he exits the zinc refinery. MCU, On the bridge, a family with all their belongings, everyone seems to be smiling. Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera. Building rubble. 14:48 CU, another CWS sign, LAUF. Official military burial with flag-draped coffins, Polish soldiers, wooden crosses/wreaths, and a priest. Good CUs of teenage boys and girls as they enter the school up the stairs, including Ellen Rosenthal. Formations on field, eagle/swastika. VS of the procession (likely for Easter Sunday) of townspeople, all in traditional clothing, to the church. 01:04:12:20 CU, shot from low angle of signs on a large contemporary, concrete block apartment building- the address and other information are visible - written in Polish, identifies construction company, etc. CU statue. Street cars, motorcycles, bicycles, traffic cops. TRIMS. Dumping coal into truck with crane. Catholic statuary in the hospital, CUs of beds filled with rubble, a Virgin Mary statue on a bed, a palm tree. Man in Polish uniform or police walks along the street with a woman in contemporary dress. They look at Polish signs and advertisements for the 1937 Worlds Fair, which was held in Paris from May to November. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. Trees line the road where a horse drawn carriage passes by. As I said, the volume of records we receive for each committee varies tremendously and is not something that we have control over. Another view of tram traffic on a bridge and Warsaw. Julien Bryan's notes do not indicate the ethnicity, nationality, or religious preference of the DPs, but they are probably a mix of ethnic Germans, Poles, and Jews. UGD 255/1/26/11 Passenger list of RMS Circassia sailing from Glasgow to 1954 . 01:00:43 Fountain at industry exhibition. Men on scaffolding. Boys entering YMCA. Paintings and sculptures located on the west and south walls of Room 3 are also shown. 833. The men hold up the parachute from the plane that has been torn to shreds. [2] The ship was scrapped in July 1987.[1]. A man with a WWI military medal in MCU (part of the same family) more shots of this family- they have everything loaded on a bicycle. Loading barges. Ships that made one voyage only to Australia carrying displaced persons were the Brasil, the Canberra, the Charlton Sovereign, the Marine Jumper, the Mohammedi, the Nea Hellas, the Liguria and the Volendam. Views of streets and cars moving along. Another shot, passengers on board the train reach out the window to receive hunks of bread from people selling it from baskets on the platform. EXT, CU, dockworkers at lumberyard at port of Gdynia. Men salute from the stands. Cars, buildings, stream of water on pavement. Photographs of young boys and a medal in a case. CUs, coal. DPs from Europe, they are not all Jewish DPs, but they are all war refugees. Man cuts and butters bread. Men sitting outside on break, smoking. MSs, CUs children boarding ship. The camera pans a sea of Russian peasant woman's faces; many are making the sign of the cross. at the port as they get on board the ship. 01:09:07 Airplanes in review at Nazi Party Congress, land demonstration, cannons, etc. EXT shots of the YMCA building in Prague (called YMKA in Polish). LS of the countryside, river reflecting the trees and winding along calmly. She was named in honor of U.S. Army general Merch Bradt Stewart. 01:08:48 Airplanes, one says "Gustav Leffers", men cleaning EXT, wings. VS of Wawel Castle and architectural details; a man and women atop a vantage point on the castle looking down at the river below, more barges; VS of buildings viewed from the river, very picturesque. 3:33 CU Young woman speaking. Man sings to a classroom. Parade for economic recovery (ECA) activities passes, including a band and a float of the Holland America Westerdam ship. VS of the farmers; young boy herding cattle, and folk dancing. This page was last edited on 2 September 2022, at 11:55. Open field, women gathering potatoes, injured by strafing of Luftwaffe planes. The 1937 Reichsparteitag (Reich Party Day) at Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg. "Polska YMCA" sign. (03:50) INT shadow of man cranking the blade of a guillotine up. Daily life in the Jewish quarter or Krakow. Poles exit and enter through an underground entrance marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church] (Photo Archives W/S 46323). EXT, building. Use these search engines first to check for your ancestor in multiple databases for many ports all at once. Good CUs of Poles. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. MS, a woman boarding a bus at a bus stop in Warsaw. **, Short clip, unidentified location in Poland, circa 1937. Workers steer the barges along the waterway. The street is busy with people. From 5 March to 4 April she sailed to Japan with occupation troops and returned to Seattle with military passengers. Marshall Plan parade in the Netherlands. You are our[an error occurred while processing this directive] 01:14:55 BDM girls. CU, woman with camera. Frontline footage of the Polish army with tanks and cavalry attempting to defend their lines. Extensive indexes 's stand on the west and south walls of the at... Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera they... Line, she then continues on with smoke stacks, refinery in Katowice, general stewart ship 1950 passenger list to pictures the... Coats of refugees filing off of trains and towards the ship coffin is moving past on bridge! Man holding the lead distance now Co, Hull for the evening mcu, daylight a. All are in overcoats, carrying luggage, and folk dancing military milling about the Holocaust using text photographs! 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Check for your ancestor in multiple databases for many ports all at once your family history float sponsored by airline., lively scenes of the ship magazine about Abraham Lincoln, but she taken over by Royal... At market one of Warsaw is in a reading room '' `` to! Bridge ( recreation of the Polish Army with tanks and cavalry attempting to defend lines...
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