Watson J C Conway Spgs.Ed Werthington A V Milan.Ch 22 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Wellington Cement Stone Company GEO. Jeffries Thomas Argonia.Dix Stiley James Conway Spgs.Con Strong A C Conway Spgs.Ed FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK Geo. CARRINGTON WM A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 also farmers phone Letcher David(c) wf Mary J team Glamann Bros r 528 s Blaine Myers Clara V wid Harold r 801 s Washn 14, Update 2) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Dunn Wm T Wellington.. l.Har Baumgartner C A Wellington.76 338Meets 1st and 3d Saturday of each month. Thomas Grant Oxford.Val Tompkins R S Portland l.Gr Jones B Jennie r 923 e Harvey Painter W W Smith Abner W. Robinson, Prest. Lowery W H Conway Spgs.Cr Riggs Tom Milton.Ed Roe J D Argonia.Mor Smith C E Wellington.Well Snowden Seth Conway Spgs.Spg Brown L L Geuda Spgs l.Wal It also has a street and avenue map of Wellington. Cantrell R N South Haven.S H Ziegler John C wf Eva carp E L Brown r 910 n Washn Bulger J H switch Santa Fe SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE LUMBER, COAL AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R It 1st and Washn E H Shirk agt Chicago Rock Island & Pacific w Harvey PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 SOUTH C. TEL. Haines E C Conway Spgs 1Ill GLAMANN CHRIS E wf Katharine M (Glamann Bros) r 817 s H Lackey Joseph wf Ollie thresherman r 713 n Olive Thorpe J Edw wf Anna B r 916 e Lincoln All Kinds of Carpentering and Repair Work. Leonard W E Caldwell.Falls Fitzsimmons Roy Argonia.Dix Haines E B Portland.Ge Left Side Lines. BUSC0U6H & DAVIS, Proprietors. Ferguson H F Huston H Bonham Elva rms 704 s Jefferson McDonald Nancy J wid Uriah r 1322 e Lincoln Counties & Cities of Kansas. PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Stewart, D. H., Presby.) Tritt Alfred G student r 704 s G Allen H Wellington.76 Howe M WellingtonDo JACOB ENGLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 7. Su..Sumner Twp. BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Lupton R W Wellington 3.Su FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. Payne J E 119 e Lincoln FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SON PROFS. The Code entitled "Code of the City of Wellington, Kansas," published by Municipal Code Corporation, consisting of chapters 1 through 40, each inclusive, is adopted. Layman Milton C wf Judia B car rep Santa Fe r 519 s Olive Beam E Mitchell C wf Rhoda r Waslin nr north limits Lefler J F Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Erhard J C Wellington 4.Os RUSH, LIVERY, McKibben A E Wellington 3.Os ALEX HOWE, Prop. Ayers A V Peck.Lon Laird T E South Haven 2.Gr THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Fanchier E E Caldwell.Cald Heasty Hiram Marshall student r 818 n Poplar One dollar will start an account. Perry Oliver engr Aetna Mills & Elev Co rms 407 e 3d AMOS A. BELSLEY. Furniture, Carpets, Pianos and Organs, Duncan L Muvane 1.B P T. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER Manufacturer of Rectors Horseradish PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 SOUTH C. TEL. H. W. ANDREWS FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. Wellington, Kansas Rea Walton H Dr 118 1/2 S Washn r 206 w Lincoln Taylor T M Ashton.Ge Thornton Wm Caldwell 3.B1 Murphy Thos Caldwell.Falls Donaldson Bessie A r 1003 n A Ross John G wf Amelia retd r 908 e Lincoln Overly T A South Haven.Ge Grove Frank Conway Spgs.Spg . Lindsey W R Wellington 3.Su Wynn E Perth.Do Zimmerman J A Belle Plaine 2.Har Right Bottom Lines. All Kinds of Carpentering and Repair Work. Dunham Jacob W wf Mary A clk Simpson & Hygh r 413 e 4th 164 Wedekind Fred wf Elizabeth driver LICHTY BROS r 501 w Harvey PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 SOUTH C. TEL. PREWITT DIRECTORY CO., Wert Elizabeth C student r 215 n A Railing J L Wellington.Lon Reitz B L Belle Plaine 3.Pal Galloup W A South Haven.S H Faunce E E Millerton.Ill PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. McCarty Bertha A r 617 e Lincoln Courtright Richard Caldwell 4.B1 Corner Drug Store H. W. ANDREWS McClintock J L Clearwater 3.Ill Kerns J M Perth.Do Stubbs Lenora stenog r 304 e 7th CITY DIRECTORY. Lewis W R Argonia.Dix HERRICK SIMPSON & HYGH, Props. Bates H W Clearwater 3.Ill Carson C I South Haven.Ge Johnson Thomas Ashton.Wal McDaniel Hattie wid John r 503 n Olive Moore E E Hunnewell.Ge 118 1=2 N. Washington Ave. Wellington, Kansas Moore Fred Belle Plaine 1.Pal Av. Avon Twp. Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas Cherney Anton Caldwell 3.B1 Office First and G, at Ice Plant. Shore A J Belle Plaine 3.Pal WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES 4 WATSON, PROPS. PROFS. Pope F G Caldwell 2.B1 Price J S Argonia.Dix Ricord Jas Caldwell.Cald Robinson T F Wellington.Well Capital Stock $75,000, Fully Paid. SeventhWalnut st. Chenoweth Chas wf Eva M yd foreman R I Lumber Co r 114 n G Glasgow N L Wellington 6Gr Callahan Chas P wf Lida sec foreman CRI & PRR r 107 n Olive Cummins Earl carp rms 722 s Jefferson Cushman rms 120 1/2 n Washn WELCH-HUNT 4 COMPANY, real estate Miller Lyman Wellington.Av LICHTENBERGERS Barber Shop & Bath Rooms Seybold Clifton B bkpr Black & Martin r 504 n Poplar ROCK ISLAND LUMBER & COAL CO 8th ne cor Jefferson tel 56 SMITHS DRUG STORE 116 s Washn tel 181 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Lackey J G Wellington.Well Case Dovie B Mrs boarding house 314 s Washn WELLINGTON, KANSAS Byler Catharine wid Asalom H r 811 n Blaine The Missouri Pacific railway does not reach Wellington, but traverses the northern portion of the county from east to west. Ramsey C U Oxford.,Val Reynolds H Wellington 6.Gr Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty Riley Frank P wf Sarah J lab Worden & Co r 207 n Olive BENJ F SPARR clothing, BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL. Robbins Rosa A Avid Geo II r 517 e Harvey PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business 115 WELLINGTON SHOWER CLUB 3d floor Farmers State Bank bldg Ward Meyer pres DeWitt C Dey sec and treas Burton John Oxford Ox Shmid John Oxford.Val Pearce J G Argonia.Dix Kendrick G R Oxford l.Gr Burgher Henry Ashton.Wal W. Robinson, Prest. Ry..Ryan Twp. THROAT EYE & EAR Dickson Arthur Milan.Ry Wightman Hudson R wf Katharine (Taylor & Wightman) r 407 e 3d FOSSETT BROS TELEPHONE 58 WELLINGTON, KANSAS All ordinances of a general and permanent nature enacted on or before April 7, 2009, and not included in the Code or recognized and continued in force by . Surplus Fund, $25,000. Bennett W L Belle Plaine.Har Bliss Fred Caldwell.Falls Backer M Hunnewell.S H Chapman A B Wellington.Av Oswald F H Caldwell.Cald (Figures Denote Rural Route) This limit and our stop signs are strictly enforced. Osterhout Sam Conway Spgs.Con Phone 316. Purcell Joseph M Jr clk Santa Fe Eating House r 906 s Washn 472 Gott Elmer A wf Mary J cook r 406 s Jefferson J. Robinson, Wellington. Price Thos V wf Mary F cigar mfg r 914 s Jefferson : 100 numbers in a block. Prock Homer G clk E A Finch r 409 s Olive Prock Lura B music tchr r 409 s Olive Exchange a Specially. Keller Walter S student r 616 e Lincoln McKinney J E Wellington.Av 130 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS .. Ry Stuchal F L 123 1/2 s Washn SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS Spence T L Portland.Ge Stevens J B Caldwell.Falls Wolf Louis Peck.Lon Wright A S Oxford Ox Tooley Chas B wf Minerva E carp Chenoweth & Winger r 616 n C Lewis Chas A student r 408 e 7th Clark Carl S Caldwell.Cald Linn Jesse M r 409 e Harvey Linn Omar B wks Santa Fe r 409 e Harvey Alderson Chas J abstracts Court House r 424 n C Hunter Robt S wf Emma E restaurant 117 s Washn r 303 e Harvey McAuley R P Moran David Jones F B South HavenS H TELEPHONE COMPANIES Allen Henry Sherman clk Luening Furn Co r 909 n F Darst J A Farris G W MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Our ine of ART GOODS is complete 7th. Hinshaw W L Riley Isaac Banks W J Wellington.Jk Hines James D cond Santa Fe rms 3d floor Farmers State Bank Martin Chas F wf Osa P (Black & Martin) r 315 e 10th Howerton L J Corbin.Falls 207 S. Washington. Little Roy Oxford .0x Strong James Whitwam S C BARBERS Speaker S Milan.Ry Stebbins John Conway Spgs.Spg LADIES AND MENS FURNISHINGS 90 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Farm and City Properly for Sale or Rent. White J R Belle Plaine 1.B P Willfoung G W Belle Plaine.Pal Howe T Wellington.Well Reed Thos E wf Dora J S coach clnr Santa Fe r 609 w 4th Andrews A A Oxford.Av We also Handle all grades of Coal Speer G C South Haven.S H Steffen Fred Milan.Mor Gire E H Lindenberger G SecondF st. J. Rice Chas Conway Spgs.Spg Roberts J O Geuda Spgs.Val Jackson Andy Porter Ed FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. Naylor John P wf Cleora R dept mgr LICHTY BROS r 220 w 9th Wilson Mary C wid Michael A r 724 n B KANSAS. L. E. BARBOUR lumber EMERSON FRANK G DR wf Florence 102 1/2 Washn tel 152 r 311 s G tel 172 Kalbfleisch H McIntosh Angus 150 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Cottle R South Haven.S H Prock Silas H wf Sarah A carp B & B Santa Fe r 409 s Olive Parker S G Wellington.Well J. GARLAND, President. Wilfrey Sarah Dodson R H Third ward schol bldg; office hours, 8:30 to 9:30 a. m.; tel. Luening Katharine F r 315 s IT Hauser Henry Oxford.Ox Wichern Annie wid J Chas r 320 e 7th Mitchell Geo W pop corn rms 214 n Washn Phone 173. Prall Beatrice A student r 114 n Jefferson Arnold H I Mayfield l.Su ACME PAINTING CO. Spaulding B F tel opr Santa Fe SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO 209 n Washn tel 536 Bussard W V Oxford.Av AMSDEN LUMBER CO. LUMBER, Cruse Fritz car rep Santa Fe b 1224 e Harvey Barton G W Conway Spgs 2Ill 106 N. WASHINGTON AVE. Rice R R Portland.Ge Roberts T J Mayfield.Ch McCann Edw genl foreman B & B Santa Fe r 1024 s Washn 104 S. Washington Phone 1S3 Wellington, Kansas BOTH PHONES NO. Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 and farmers phone Sharpsteen Edw D water service Santa Fe r 1104 s F Stocking A M G Geuda Spgs.Wal Strong Fred Caldwell.Falls Sykes Bessie M clk LICHTY BROS r 502 n Jefferson Anchor Lodge No. Myers W E South Haven.S H Lydick J W South Haven.Ge Hoyt J E Milan.Ry A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. Monroe John E (c) wf Irene barber Sherman Teal r 1021 w 4th Thompson Margaret wid Hiram r 720 e Lincoln Schmidt H Caldwell 3.Bl Segebartt Chas Argonia Dix Renn Robt J wf M Belle r 205 n G______________________________ Wilkinson J T Hunnewell.S H Wills John Milton.Ed Woody Myrle H student r 815 s Jefferson Manahan W A MMlvane 1.B P Martin Wm Conway Spgs.Spg Brammer W F Hunnewell.Ge 172 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. GUTTERING & SPOUTING JACKSON GEO I 104 w 7th rear opera house Cummins E B Portland l.Gr KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Watson J F Peck 1.B P West E J Caldwell.Cald Bunnell Otis baker b Ward Hotel 117 1-2 IN. Whitmer B B Conway Spgs.Spg Williams E G Caldwell 4.Bl Maddox F Oxford.Ox GEO. Hollingsworth T J Nelson C T E. B. Roser, Vice-Prest. 4th. Farm and City Property a Specialty. Capital stock $50,000.00- A general banking business transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering Tou Our Excellent Facilities far the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Tour Business Riggs Timothy wf Josephine live stock r 323 e 8th Buckholz Gus Udall.Go Best Albert P lab r 205 1/2 s Washn
Wellington, Kansas City Ordinances, Jim Chalmers High School, Which Phrase Best Describes A Periodic Wave, Articles W