Strange. Restart Current Container Container > select container > Action > Start. All other commands are then just simple docker commands, which havent changed since I posted this. Would also suggest moving to MySQL/MariaDB instead of SQL lite (if you havent already). ssl_key: /certificate/_archive/fyjQFl/privkey.pem. So if you run Domoticz, it will fix the Z-wave issues without needing to pull the USB out? Excellent write up and Im really appreciative that you shared it. Go toFile Stationand open the docker folder. Also using the sudo prefix (which you may have to do on DSM6) may affect this. The uptime sensor is disabled by default. 3. You basically map a folder on your NAS to a folder in the Docker container. The worst part was even after correcting the config.xml path in Docker, the lock STILL didnt work. Follow the instructions in the images below. What is the Best Synology NAS Alternative? This tutorial looks at how to install Home Assistant (Supervised) on a Synology NAS! Home Assistant Download: Written Instructions: Subscribe for more tech related tutorials and overviews: Product Recommendations: Check out our website: The information in this video has been self-taught through years of technical tinkering. Also when i try to use notify.pushbullet under services nothing happens. These sensors include the total installed amount, the currently free amount and the % of memory used. When the Home Assistant machine/container boots up, it will have a USB device available at /dev/ttyUSB0. 3. I read a few post down that the folder had to be manually created in DSM6. The Docker Package on Synology DSM cant be started if you have an OpenVPN connection open. However it looks like someone has created a Docker container which will run this configurator. For everyone who is interested in running a Home-assistant in docker with SSL this solution worked for me at a DS 1515+. They were in the home folder. That should bring all the files back. away. host_volume_file : /homes/docker/homeassistant, Choose your Currency. A powerful and nerdy router that's also great for average users. Download the latest version of the VMware ESXi/vSphere Home Assistant operating system. Its what performs automations, displays the UI etc. The Synology DSM integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.32, and it's used by, If you utilize 2-Step Verification or Two Factor Authentication (2FA) with your Synology NAS. Balance-TCP For HASS configuration, I have copies on my computer, which I use as my master then copy over to the NAS. Youre now logged into your NAS using the super user account. This at least is true for DSM5. Note: Find out the Best NAS Models For Docker. It may not be /usbshare1, so take a look around the file system to see what the file path might be. Home Assistant will automatically find devices on your local network. You should be familiar with logging into and using SSH. You are right I meant Home assistant, I did it and it works, highly appreciated. If an instance was found, I am using SigmaC FTDI (FTDI FT232R USB UART I did manage to upgrade Home Assistant all through the DSM Docker GUI (after initial setup following your guide above). On DSM 6 (or greater), su - root does not work. Im considering starting completely fresh by deleting all instances (and docker) and starting over. In this video we will demonstrate how to install Home Assistant on a Synology NAS using Docker. Must use the root user But sounds like that should work too. Installing Home Assistant with support for Z-wave on your Synology NAS is basically the same as above, however there are a couple of other flags we need to add to our command. Andrey, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config homeassistant/home-assistant, sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config homeassistant/home-assistant, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 homeassistant/home-assistant, sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 homeassistant/home-assistant, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb homeassistant/home-assistant, sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb homeassistant/home-assistant, Run Home Assistant Docker without Z-Wave (DSM 5), Run Home Assistant Docker without Z-Wave (DSM 6), -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config, Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave (DSM 5), Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave (DSM 6), Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave and Bluetooth (DSM 5), Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave and Bluetooth (DSM 6), docker rename home-assistant home-assistant-old, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host -itd -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config homeassistant/home-assistant, Installing on a Synology Diskstation NAS,,, J.A.R.V.I.S inspired announcement/greeting for Home Assistant, Automating your shopping list with Home Assistant and Grocy, Breaking down Presence Detection with Home Assistant, Making music follow you around the home with Home Assistant and Sonos, HA-Dockermon Use Home Assistant to monitor, start or stop Docker Containers, Setting up a local Mosquitto server using Docker for MQTT Communication Phil Hawthorne,,,,,,,,,,,, Login to your Synology NAS from a browser, using the. Ah yes of course! Select Upload a file from PC and Browse to the .ova file we downloaded, then select Next. By the way, you should ad the udev rule mapping to your tutorial to make it easier for newer users . Use the official Home Assistant apps, a convenient companion to quickly control your devices and be notified when things happen in your home, even on your wrist using the Apple Watch. By default the 1min load sensor is disabled. Tried to reset the tokens and create new ones, no success. This container will be running an operating system, that will in-turn run Home Assistant. Stop and delete the container -old) & Apply In this tutorial, were going to look at how to set up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS. Youll need to reboot Home Assistant once your MySQL is back up to clear it. Then just setup when you would like the restart to take place in the schedule tab. 2. Then I get a window to tag switch on Open vSwitch. All I see is docker directly under the server name and homes. I havent currently got a proper offsite automated backup in place. Once your Z-wave radio is plugged in, we need to find out the path to the radio. 1) As mentioned in the post, this is for DSM 5. Hmm well how are your Z-wave devices connected to HomeKit? Something to look into I guess! But that seems too easy. My configuration is: Hass.IO on Synology Docker (PC with firmware). It is always something as simple as that! But I need to instal Docker first. I received also sudo they will work on DSM 6. It then checks to ensure the device did get turned on/off. 5. I prefer to use a free tool like Putty to do this. You will be asked to run Install Home Assistant click Yes. Choose to share or no anonymized information. It offers the advantages of HA OS (see above) but you get full liberty in managing the OS. ]. Would I have to create that folder manually first? Configuration Adding Synology DSM to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button: Although I havent heard of it happening, you could potentially brick your NAS if you do something wrong. This will allow Sonos, Hue, Plex etc to be discovered on the network automatically. This is one of the flags you cant set when using the Docker DSM UI. I originally thought it was faulty, so I did a hard reset of the z-stick. But good for others to use if it works on Synology (wasnt sure it would). In the Schedule tab, Select Run on the following date (make sure It's today's date). That's what I run and have no issues. : Address family not supported by protocol. Follow the instructions in the image below. My Synology has a fair few USB ports though. Although now Im having trouble with ingress producing bad gateway errorsgrrrr. Not sure. Having cameras or the Home mode toggle from Surveillance Station will fetch every 30 seconds. If you did, do you remember what you set it up as? Not sure what would cause it. If i restart hass it wont come up and if i then restart the docker Container, all is good again for 24h. The latest released version (at the time Im writing this) is 6. Once logged in, use the following command to switch to the root user using the command One of the great things about Home Assistant is their rapid development time. Home Assistant with Z-wave Radio wont start after NAS Reboot I have also tried downloading the image in the gui, and that also fails. Ive just checked my DSM (which is DSM5) to see what containers mine displays.but it wont load for me (might be because Im accessing it remotely). Great to hear you were able to make a startup script and get everything working. I use your command to pull the newest Hassio and install it in the docker app successfully all the time. I havent used it myself, but have recently heard about Portainer. Im a moron. Thank you for your guide, it works perfect! sudo chgrp dialout /dev/ttyACM0 Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters. All add-ons, including their documentation, are available right from the store. Every user that logs into the Diskstation can access the same files as everyone else. su - root. It hadnt changed at all. "enable_publish_all_ports" : false, When you insert a USB drive, I think it creates a folder for you at /usbshare1, So, you could then replace those in the docker run command. Thank you for that, now there is a bug into the latest Hassio and I would like to pull an older version, can you tell me what I can do to install a previous version? Thank you Heres the command that Im using to launch my image: Ive found the Docker will not start if you have an OpenVPN network connection enabled. Automation created to download mp4 video files from my Ring Doorbell and Ring Stickup Cameras using Downloader. I succeded to install HA in my DS216+II. Note: How to Clean Docker Automatically. Home Assistant Container is still very much supported on Docker and Synology. Well be logging into the NAS using SSH, so we can perform some Linux commands. Are you specifying privileged in your docker run? Once the device got detected, it works like charm as you have already explained. The SMART status sensor is disabled by default. That might be a solution. After Home Assistant is finished preparing, create an account. My workaround has been to just stop the docker container, run Domoticz app on Synology for a few moments, turn off Domoticz, and then restart the docker container. At the end of the script, the start command is a systemctl command that fires up something called hassio-supervisor.service. image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest The HA help says the Z-Stick should have group of dialout and rw permission. I have a question to you, I run also for a while now HASS on the Syno 1515+ and I like it very much. MySQL is a database server (I run it in its own container), so theres no overheads for Home Assistant to worry about. Docker is NOT in the package center so i can not install Home assistant. Advertising:Certain offers on this page may promote our affiliates, which means WunderTech earns a commission of sale if you purchase products or services through some of our links provided. I also believe I originally tried this, and it didnt work. So replace /volume1/Shared/docker with /homes/[user]/homeassistant/config. But didnt get that far at all. Then its just a matter of adjusting the run command above to the path where your USB files are. Note: How to Add Access Control Profile on Your NAS. You'll have to learn a bit of sql language, though. recorder: db_url: mysql://root: [email protected] :3306/homeassistant?charset=utf8 Insert your pasword and IP of your synology. If youre still using the built in SQL lite database, I found that to be very very slow. However the fact that the path is being reported tells me that you might actually be able to just plug that into your YAML and use it. It had everything being written to it from the look of it. First, ensure that your NAS supports Virtual Machine Manager. As a result of the Insteon shutdown, I would like to install Home Assistant so that I can use my existing Insteon hub and devices. 3. From what youve posted, I cant see why Synology wouldnt accept it. If you go into the settings section, do you see any of the supervisor options? Dear Phill, I still cant seem to find the option in the left hand menu bar. If theres a particular component that youre interested in which I havent covered off in a post, please let me know so I can make a note to do a post on it! Original version also do not start (Its my oponion I renamed to home assistant-old). got HA up and running within docker , it has found a number of devices on the network all good. --net=host Another important and powerful flag. If not, you might need to add that as a shared folder from the UI first. You will be able to see them in the Docker UI of Synology. In the bottom right, select Add-On Store. Yep! Ugh no that sucks! Do i have to install the service in some way? Very strange. I see FlowerCare in HA without addidtional activities. Im very curious to see different components you described in your posts. Interesting. And asking your help. Hope you can help me out with this. First thanks for the great howto. You can set up Home Assistant on a Synology NAS relatively easily in Docker, however, there are a bunch of benefits to installing the supervised version. Click FINISH. What I need is to install the configurator so I can modify the yaml file in hass like Are you looking at the images, or containers? In this case, it is recommended to use NIC bonding instead or to deactivate SSDP. Works every time I try it. cap_add : null, It might work but not sure on the syntax to use on Synology. You are basically in God mode. In the window that appears, insert the following: In the General tab, In the Task field, enter Home Assistant. This is a more powerful Docker UI than Synology, but I havent used it myself. I store all of my things like InfluxDB, MySQL etc on the NAS, but all the automation work etc is handled on the nettop, which just runs Home Assistant now. I used to use a network key for my setup, as I was having issues with powered devices being marked as dead (theres a thread on the Home Assistant forums about it). Audio Station [] Audio Station [] It should show all containers, but maybe it removes the old versions of images by default or something. You could have a Home Assistant automation, which starts the Domoticz container. I made dir manually, but I do not find configuration.yaml Think i just found the problemi have to find an alternative service i guess Let me know how you go. Nice. Another option might be to Install Portainer as a docker container. When you plug any USB device into your NAS (or any Linux system), it is given a filepath that you can use to access it. Pingback: Setting up a local Mosquitto server using Docker for MQTT Communication Phil Hawthorne(). Note: How to Change Docker Containers Restart Policy. They shouldnt change too much on a NAS,as the system should be on almost permanently. My recommendation is to just run the docker containers yourself without the supervisor. Oh, that makes sense! Unfortunately Ive also experienced this on my Synology. From your SSH window, run the following command. The vera has support for a lot more devices than openzwave, which is a bonus. I realized that I had created a config folder for zwave: but forgot to add the zwave: include into the configuration.yaml file. Looks like youre using the admin user (and not root), so assuming youre on DSM 6. Follow the instructions in the image below. Since posting this, I havent seen the z-wave radio issues on reboot as I described. Containers. In my experience, when the z-wave issue would occur, I had no trouble still accessing the Z-wave USB by its path. some sort of HA automation sequence that starts the other service and stops it? Could be a ownership permissions issue. 2) Do you perform backups of your installations and, if so, how? /volume1/docker/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config Im trying to set up ssl encryption but Im running into a wall. I followed your instruction here to get HA install on my Synology Nas. title: Configurator , I was able to migrate the raspberry pi configuration to the Synology installation and most things worked right away. [ 74.629569] usb 1-2: Endpoint 1 MaxPacketSize 64 That script has a delay of about 20 seconds. HACS works perfectly fine in a Synology Docker container. Any potential issues using this method over command prompt for updates? Entities reporting the internal temperature, status (as shown in Synology DSM) and SMART status for each drive inside the NAS. Unfortunately the DSM docker UI can be a bit hit or miss. mkdir -p /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config. I get the same error message, if I run hciconfig from inside the container. } Change the settings to match the information below and then select Next: 11. The Home Assistant community is friendly, and always happy to help! configurator: I must stress though this instance doesnt do much at all. The options for installing Home Assistant Supervised are minimal due to how Synology manages its permission n in DSM 7, but this is a quick way of ensuring that it will run properly and work as expected. Thats quite strange. Im very new to HA / Docker. Remember, as weve only included the config directory in the -v flag, the Home Assistant container wont be able to access anything outside of that directory on the NAS. Point the location where your certificate files are stored in your Synology directly in your configuration.yaml. Considering how rare it is for my NAS to reboot, I havent delved into it deeper, and just hope it keeps working. brilliant blog nice tutorials and inspiration thanks for sharing! Hey Phil, For example, That means my YAML is in /volume1/docker/hass/config. Do you know if there are some logs somewhere that can help? Phil, sorry for my question, but I am begginer in this. Is there any reason for this? Using a SSH window, we can run the following. Ive tried starting a docker image with the commands that you mention above, but I keep getting an error ( ). If I plug the Z-Stick into the front USB3 slot it is showing up as dev/ttyACM0, but if I use either of the two USB2 slots on the rear I cant see it. 3. Strange that others wont let you download it. I believe youll need to restart home assistant before it will detect the www folder, If the restart command doesnt work, you may need to use. Everything z-wave related just stops working. Lets slightly change our docker run command from above, to include some more parameters. ports: You might be better to use something like volume1/Shared/homeassistant, How can I identify what the Z-Wave USB stick is called? Make sure youre using sudo in your command. 12. Stop Current Container Container > select container > Action > Stop Youll need to create a new container to run on 0.61. Are you able to run other images with the docker run command? Did you set up a bond interface? Instead, if youd like to use the Bluetooth device tracker, you can use the following flag to give Home Assistant access to that device. I have a Rasperry Pi 4 with SSD running Home Assistant OS. But that package adds some drivers which may allow you to use the USB. (homes contains user folders). Your tutorial seems very clear. Ive tried your suggestions, but without success. So when Home Assistant reboots, the container is already up and ready to go. Note: How to Activate Email Notifications. If you dont want to run Home Assistant and use a USB Z-wave radio, then we dont need to add any USB devices to our container. So far, Ive rebooted my NAS a couple of times and both times Home Assistant and my z-wave network have come back up perfectly. In the bottom right, click on the @home-assistant close Closes the issue. It is a file database which has to be loaded into memory. Any particular docker image you prefer? This is a frustrating issue Im yet to solve. 2) I have a few docker containers that need to restart for various reasons. Cant find a sollution, did you try it using a different port? Any ideas? I have tried disabling the firewall, and also tried making a any allow rule.. none worked.. I am not sure what is the cause here. It is all up and running now. When this happened, the lock stopped working. Please Support My work by Making a Donation. What I was able to do was install the Certbot docker container onto my Synology, and generate the keys into a file. Where are you trying to use the USB stick? Does the Trdfri Gateway require a USB port? And while it might have been true in the beginning that Home and Siri did not allow much more than turning single devices on or off, that has certainly changed. Does it start fast enough to be ready when HA needs it? A question on your hardware: usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0 Thanks for your quick response. { If not there is a Synology package you can download. Is there any tricks I need to be aware of when rebooting? After navigating to the Home Assistant URL, Home Assistant will be preparing, which can take 10-20 minutes in total. After Home Assistant comes back online, you should be able to use /local/file_name.jpg to access the files in the www folder. For the lock, it was a pain, because it requires you open the lock and pull out the zwave component and put it 12 inches away from the controller. 9001:9001 And with the new Shortcuts app launched as part of iOS 12, additional opportunities are opening up. As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. interface, by using this My button: Synology DSM can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. Seems to hover around 2.5GB. "enabled" : false. should all docker instances set up through this guide show up in the Docker GUI within Synology DSM? As long as you specify a name in your docker run command, you shouldnt really run into multiple instances, as the name must be unique. We will install Home Assistant using Virtual Machine Manager. Code owner commands. Unraid has its own community 'app' store of docker images like the synology docker registry, supports GPU passthrough for use in plex for transcoding or object vision :-) 2 yr. ago Once everything has been installed (it could take some time the first go around), you should be able to access Home Assistant at the IP address of your NAS. That will tell Home Assistant where to look for our Z-wave radio. I just picked the old yaml file from my Rpi. The issue I seem to have is that it gradually consumes quite a bit of memory. Is it possible to use the DSM docker GUI to do this or doI need to use the terminal? Manual configuration steps. For the moment, I find it more useful for others to write these posts and break down how each part of the config works. Youve posted the same volumes and devices which my guide here mentions, and translates back to my docker run command. Did I mention I am a newbie at this.? I dont know if this will help, but at least its something for you to try. 6. cpu_priority : 50, 1. Yeah I have trouble restarting from inside HASS as well. You can open a bash console to the container. Switching it to host, fixed the problem. I think theres a lot of Docker + Windows issues that could potentially cause this. I guess you might be able to answer one more question for me though: If you have more than one device returned, I suggest you unplug your radio, re-run the ls command above, and see which number is missing. However the problem came back straight away. Thanks , Hey Phil, Ive been working on getting the homeassistant/home-assistant image running on my Synology. To enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters z-stick should have group of dialout and rw permission Im running a. Sort of HA automation sequence that starts the other service and stops it Home. 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