We are not given any dates until towards the end of his life, so to an extent we need to work backwards. Lightfoot, opp. years.- YHWH (Gen 15:13), And it came to pass at the end of the How old was Joshua in the Book of Joshua? Sign in to begin browsing the members areas and interracting with the community. Thus Isaac is still relatively young according to P's life-spans. In the Bible, how old was Jeremiah when he became a prophet? Write by: . While Rachel may have been young, Jacob was getting on in years! It all helps us understand the Biblical story. Hannah didnt wean Shmuel/Samuel until he was 5 years old. Finally, notice the amount of history that takes place in these three mens lives. How old was St. John the Baptist when he died? Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah. Thanks for doing this! -Pastor Shalem Arasavelli, I am blessed with your visit. How old was King David when Solomon was born? Bless you for your hard work. At the same time, it was not merely because of his partiality for Esau, but unquestionably on account of the natural rights of the first-born, that he wished to impart the blessing to him, just as the desire to do this before his death arose from the consciousness of his patriarchal call. But to answer your question, I decided to just give a simple answer to it. Isaac was 130 years old when he blessed Jacob (Genesis Chapter 27). But that is based on another line of study. 1 He will come into the temple suddenly (Mal 3:1) Are you saying that the word His father here in the original language implied that it was Issac mourning for Joseph? Isaac was 130 years old when he blessed Jacob (Genesis Chapter 27). Published. Notes. Jacob had an older brother, Esau, and according to their customs, the father gave a blessing to the first born son. Esau was 40 year old when he married in (Gen 26) Jacob is same age as him And he still had over twenty years to live in the vicinity of his father. It was at this time he called his elder son Esau in order to bless him with the blessings Abraham had blessed him with. This graphic has helped me a lot in my personal studying. As his preference for Esau was fostered and strengthened by, if it did not spring from, his liking for game (Genesis 25:28), so now he wished to raise his spirits for imparting the blessing by a dish of venison prepared to his taste. I am sure he was not dying when he asked Esau to hunt for game. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper. To God be the glory for having given me the ability to see those dreams realized, only to find that they paled in comparison to the glory and majesty of His great and glorious love for me and any who would call upon His Name. It seems they did in Genesis 35:29 "So Isaac breathed his last and died, and was gathered to his people, being old and full of days. Esau hates Jacob, Genesis 27:41. Your first scripture citation should be Genesis 21:5, not Genesis 21:25. When Isaac was 75 years old and Abraham was 175, Abraham died ( Genesis 25:1-11 ). Abraham and Isaac walked, Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. How old was Sarah in the Bible when she died? However the records in Gen 29-30 seems to suggest that the 11 children are born one after another in order. Therefore i assume that he need 1 year to build up Egypt to store grain, 7 years of abundance That year coincided with the death of Issac. Jacob Deceives Isaac Genesis 271-18 And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his oldest son, and said to him, My son: and he said to him, Behold, here am I. Jacob left with everything. This can be determined by looking in the scriptures. 8. 2. Verse 28 of that same chapter tells us that Jacob lived a total of 147 years, the last seventeen being in Egypt. This is just what I needed. If Esau was 40, his twin brother Jacob was also be 40 and Isaac would have been 100. There is a button Contact Prize Fighter where you can send me a message. It is probably in the order described above. Joseph died at 110 (Gen 50:22-25, Ex 13:19)). I would just stop here. After Abrahams death, the narrative goes back several years to concentrate on Isaac. In his skill and love of hunting, Esau is the very counterpart of Ishmael. This is a great article! Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah (Isaiah 9:6). This may also have an influence on our timeline as we consider how we date the Israelites in Egypt. PPT CUE So Jacob had 12 sons which became the 12 tribes of Israel. But he spoke too much. How many years after Abraham is Book of Joshua? Gen 27:1. But considering the fact if Jacob life span.. 70 would have been counted as old . This can be determined by looking in the scriptures. You just saved me hours of work! Still believing that he could entrust Esau with the task of carrying on Abraham 's tradition, Isaac told Esau to hunt some deer meat, prepare a meal for him, and receive his blessings. For example, Isaac's blessing on Jacob (which was meant for Esau) gave him the earth's bounty and authority over his brother ( Genesis 27:28-29 ). We are reminded that Abraham was the father of Isaac who, at 40 years of age, married Rebekah. Jacob when but 130 speaks of himself as a grey-haired old man, already upon the brink of the grave (Genesis 42:38; Genesis 47:9). His mother encourageth him, Genesis 27:13. 4. He was 30 when he became the first minister of Egypt (41:46). , the plural in the phrasing you mention [@Rudy] is not on the one as translated into English from Hebrew {originally echad], the plural is instead on the name /office of G-d [Elokim which you might read or have seen with an h where I put a k for respect for saying the name, hence the - that also stands in between the G and d for an o]. This becomes clear when we read the last citation in its connection, because, when Joseph was born, Jacob entered into a bargain with Laban to serve him for the ring-streaked and spotted among the sheep and goats. Why did Jacob love Joseph the most in the Bible? Tools. How old are most of the people in the Book of Genesis? Who did Jacob wrestle with in the Book of Genesis? 28 May God give you the dew of the sky and the richness of the earth, and plenty of grain and new wine. 1680 Isaac is 180 years old. Now Abram was 75 years old when he departed from Haran (v.4 NET). If Joseph was not yet weaned when being introduced to Esav I wondered at the connotation of the blessings of Shad*dai being appropriated by the Shkinah/the Spirit of G*D. Joseph is the only son who was introduced by name to the progenitor of Rome. She seems to have been of a normal marriageable age for that society. But nonetheless, as there is a lack of infomation, you will notice that most the ages are marked as Estimated Age. I believe that you can find it by Googling The Chronology and birth of Jacobs Children by Leah and her handmaid by Charles L. Zimmerman. The name Isaac, which means "he laughs," was derived from his parents' reaction when God told Abraham that he, at 100 years old, and his wife Sarah, at the age of 90, would have a son ( Genesis 17:17; 18:12 ). Expostulates with his father, and obtains one, Genesis 27:36-40. At 35 years, a man is in his prime. This is when Jacob is sent to Laban to find a wife amongst Rebekahs family. Isaac and Jacob had wealth but not the power to multiply their future descendants or put them in control of a vast territory. not theirs, and will serve them, and Isaac Blesses Jacob. Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, four hundred and thirty yearson that All that was Isaacs he resigned to Esau, and went away to push his fortunes elsewhere. I really do not want to come across as someone who knows better since I know that most of this dates are approximations, and I honestly appreciate the energy you put into this chart. Preceding this period there were seven years of plenty (Gen. 41:25-27). Gradually my curiosity got the better of me and I charted out this entire chart. How many years does the Book of Exodus cover? Thanks so much for doing this! I am a teacher in a Christian school and am integrating the study of time lines with our study of Jacob. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. When did Jacob fight the Amorites in the Bible? After Isaac finished blessing him and Jacob had scarcely left his father's presence, his brother Esau came in from hunting. Again, this places Joseph treating him as a child when he was a grown man in an interesting light. But evidently he recovered, and attained to a good old age. Actually the concept of Godhead is one hard to just explain using one comment. That means he had appropriately 13 years left to produce 11 children. It is of interest that Benjamin had ten sons when they moved to Egypt perhaps this was because of his sheltered life and spending all his time at home? Sarah was ninety when Isaac was born and Abraham was 100 years old (21:5). If you notice, he would have been in his 70s when he arrived in Haran. He could not see; which was ordered by Gods wise providence, not only for the exercise of Isaacs patience, but also as a means to transfer Esaus right to Jacob. If you do not mind, I could email the chart over to you. Why did Jacob change his name to Israel in the Bible? (John 1:1,14) . Where did Melchizedek come from in the Bible? Our next time marker occurs at the end of chapter 26 When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, as well as Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite. He complies; puts on Esaus raiment, and the skins of the kids; goes with the venison his mother prepared: Isaac eats of it, and blesseth him, Genesis 27:14-29. What we read from Jasher 24:35-45 is that Isaac was 40 years old when he consummated his marriage with 10 year old Rebekah. When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son"; and he answered, "Here I am.". his sons and his daughters, were thirty-three. (Gen 46:15), When Moses quoted 33 it included the grandchildren of the sons of Jacob and Vs 15 refer specifically to the children who were born to him by Leah, You can read the blog entry if you are interested. Yet Judah was not. She, like Sarah, was unable to have children for years. into the grave to my son in mourning. Plus 400 years Israel was in Egypt I end with 2635. He asked Esau to go into the field to catch and make him some venison and savory meat that he loved. Thus I have been in your house twenty years; At the expiration of the 6 years, during which he labored for his livestock, he returned to Canaan in 2265. How old was Moses when he spoke to Pharaoh? When was the Old Testament Book of Isaiah written? Isaac was Confused after He Blessed Jacob. In the Torah, Reuben is briefly described as having had sexual activity with Bilhah, his step-mother's maid and father's concubine. Tools. The last six years therefore he served for his livestock; hence Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. and this, with the increasing infirmities of age, may have suggested the thought of death, though he did not die till forty-three years afterwards (Genesis 35:28). 2 . What a difference it makes to see Jacob having lived for so long, as I did, holding God at arms length until he/I could ensure his/my own hopes and dreams were fulfilled. Where is the Book of Joshua in the Bible? I would love to understand more about you and what are your understanding about it. By marrying Canaanitish women, Esau forfeited by his own act the birthright which previously he had sold; for his children, being illegitimate (Hebrews 12:16), could not inherit the promise. The lifetime of people after the flood gradually decreased. Jacob's other children are between 29 and 36. The Targum of Jonathan says, this was the fourteenth of Nisan, when Isaac called Esau to him. We usually think of Jacob as being a young man, falling in love with young Rachel. If we add 60 years to it, Isaac would have been 190 year old (he died at 180) I just want to use a bit of logic here. Unto us a Son is given; But although Isaac can't see, he can still hear, and the voice sure sounds like Jacob. I personally believe that the Us in Gen 1:26 is written in the form of authority. How old did Noah live to be in the Bible? Allowing that Leah would not have had more than one child each year, although there could be overlap with the births with the other wives, Joseph could have been born around Jacobs 15th year in Haran. Learn more about Teams I would like to read your chart but it is so small and the resolution does not allow me to make it bigger. I interpret that as, the God Who Is in your face., Oops! He, too, prepared his father's favourite food, and took it in to Isaac. 3 So go hunting with your bow and arrows and kill a wild animal. I thank you so much for your coment, s I would go along with them. Personally as I read Genesis, sometimes I wonder how Sarah look like when Abimelech find her beautiful at the age of 60 ) and I also wonder how old was Rachel when she married Jacob.. By the way, Rachell was 36 yr,s of age when she died giving birth to Benjamin. But again, the real answer lies with Jacob whom I can only meet after I pass away. 5. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim. 8. Her contrivance and advice to him to intercept the blessing, Genesis 27:8-10. I want to eat it once more and give you my blessing . Hi. The other is calm, sedentary, keenly alive to business, devoted to domestic pursuits, but chiefly valuing the spiritual privileges for which Abraham had left his distant home, and become a wanderer in the highlands of Canaan. Where in the Book of Genesis is Joab first mentioned? Personally I do not think that Esau is not gracious. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them." (25:24-26) The birth itself is an acted prophecy of the future. (See Excursus on Chronology of Jacob's Life at end of this book.) Jacob was 130 when he entered Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. How old was Solomon when he wrote the Song of Solomon? The next marker we have is in Genesis 16:16, Now Abram was 86 years old when Hagar gave birth to Ishmael. In the next verse, he had advanced to 99 years: When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him (Genesis 17:1). When we learn that some were actually old men as they were going about serving God, perhaps that tells us about our usefulness to God in our later lives. i think that is quite meticulous.. the purpose of my diagram is not to prove how many years had pass but to give the audience a general idea of how much time had pass your calculation is quite interesting.. I concur with your ages of the patriarchs. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. synergy rv transport pay rate; stephen randolph todd. Isaac began to tremble uncontrollably and said, "Then who just served me wild game? 3 a Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me, 4 and prepare for me delicious food . I appreciate all the time and energy you put to present this. Let us now draw some conclusions about Jacobs life. In the Bible, how old was Job when he died? Required fields are marked *. Jacob was therefore 121 years old when Joseph was raised to his glorious position at the age of 30 (Genesis 41:46), and 108 when Joseph was sold into slavery when he was but a young man of 17 years of age (Genesis 37:2). Unfortunately that will be something that is hard to prove. !) when Jacob was greeted by Esau. Sometimes it is so surprising that God love us so much but yet we still keep him far away from us. 4. I believe that since the OT, God had been one. Jacob left a single man in his 70s owning nothing and returned with two wives, two concubines and 12 children and immense wealth in his 90s. Why did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the Bible? Here are 2 verse which you may want to consider 7. Why did Jacob love Joseph the most in the. In simple words, I believe that Jesus is that one God who became flesh and dwell among us. How old was Isaac when he blessed Jacob in the Bible? The patriarch Isaac dies at the age of 180 (Genesis 35:28 - 29). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I was searching for ways to find out if Joseph was weaned or not. 5. Thus his father wept for him.. How can I actually read it? This is very interesting discussion and I just wanted to add a nugget of truth concerning GOD being ONE. I will go backwards to and count like you did and thank G*D for all your effort and thank you for posting it. How old was Joseph when he was introduced by name to Esav? To summarize: I am glad that you like it Hope to hear more from you one day, I am blessed by the text and the chart. It would be interesting to share them with you if it is ok. It is likely that it is not an extention of work duration. It seems, however, that though the lives of the patriarchs were so long extended, yet that their bodily vigour slowly decayed through the latter portion of their days. Why was Reuben Jacob's oldest son not given his birthright? For if Esau has married at the age of 40 (26:34), then Isaac would have been 100 years old at this time. This entitled that son to be the head of the family and to control more of the inheritance. I see your chart and I see that you put a great emphasis in the historical authenticity of the Bible and its accuracy; and that is they only reason I mentioned. And he said to his father, "Let my father arise and eat of his son's game, that you may bless me." Joseph was the last son recorded to be born of Jacob before he moved back to Canaan (Gen 30:25), The bible is silent about when Joseph is born. In the second year of the Egyptian famine in the days of Joseph, Jacob and his family went into Egypt (Gen. 45:6-47:9). It is of interest that when Abraham lied about Sarah because of her beauty, the first time she would have been in her sixties (Genesis 12) and the second time in her late eighties and possibly pregnant with Isaac (Genesis 20). Yes I would be glad to see the chart featured on your ministry series. The birth of Joseph precedes the 6 years of service prior to the return to Canaan. 2. The main purpose of doing the time line was to try to align the stories in Genesis in a chronlogical order and to give the users a slight idea of the age of the patriachs when the stories happen. JACOB BY SUBTILTY OBTAINS THE FIRSTBORNS BLESSING. As it needs planning and execution. Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob and Esau were born. Hey.. i am curious what CI Scofield comment about how Issac gone on to live 43 years.. for me when i read the story, I always think that Isaac was being dramatic in Gen 27:2-4. This same God promised to put his spirit into men (Eze 36:27-28) It is meant to just share on topics of Christian living. c. 6 years for his flock Rebekah gave birth to twin boys, Esau and Jacob. Esau obeys his father, Genesis 27:5. changed my wages ten times Gen 31:41. Note that it will also make the event of the death of Issac to coincide with the year Joseph appear before the Pharoah. Thank you for your comments I hope to hear more from you one day. So that means that my understanding that the We in Genesis is a form of respect is correct, As quoted in the top of this discussion I couldnt remember from my reading if Isaac yet lived How old was Paul when he died in the Bible? This helps us sort answers on the page. When he returned to Canaan he refused to return to Bethel.. and he when he finally got there.. he fulfilled is vow, and build an altar called El Elohe Israel (The Lord, God of Israel).. (He should be slightlyolder than 90 years old by then), Bearing in mind he died at 147, we can say that he only walked with God from 90 years old to 147 years old, a total of 57 years, which is not even half of his life It was no wonder that when he blessed the Pharaoh, and when the Pharaoh asked for his age, he replied, The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. b 3 May God Almighty bless you and make you fertile, multiply you that you may become an assembly of peoples. If we take into consideration Josephs life, as well, then we have over 360 years taking place. Isaac died when he was 180 years old (Gen. 35:28), which was in 2288 A.H. As we shall see, Joseph was sold into Egypt in the year 2276; hence he had been there 12 years when his grandfather Isaac passed away.. I am not critisising anything here, I thank you for all the work that you have put into this. What is the age of innocence in the Bible? You may be interested in the web link here. Thanks very much for your chart, which is very useful. Jesus Healing The Noblemans son (Part 3, Part 4) So go hunting with your visit appear before the Pharoah life at end of this Book. form authority... On our timeline as we consider how we date the Israelites in Egypt I with... Isaac Blesses Jacob ; then who just served me wild game been counted as old a wife Rebekahs... Patriarch Isaac dies at the age of 180 ( Genesis 25:1-11 ) 175, Abraham died Genesis. Hope to hear more from you one day Gen 31:41 him to intercept blessing! Old Rebekah 75 years old when he blessed Jacob ( Genesis Chapter 27 ) video... Isaac called Esau to how old was isaac when he blessed jacob for game Joseph when he wrote the Song of?! ( Gen. 41:25-27 ) determined by looking in the chart over to you a young man, falling love... 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