of the Flaming God from the Tarzan novels. He joins OSI Chicago on a provisional basis later that year. 55 reviews Through the tales of Edgar Rice Burroughs, generations of readers have thrilled to the adventures of Lord Greystoke (aka John Clayton, but better known as Tarzan of the Apes). (Al Schroeder, Modified). . Mighty Steel Leg Sing and his team of Shaolin trained soccer players spark a worldwide craze for metahuman professional team sports. 1366 Scarlet Pimpernel, The League of the Kara Kent, to honor her mother, begins to occasionally adventure under the name Wonder Girl. My own variation on this timeline for a pulp-to-superhero campaign is posted in the Champions forum. Excellent. John Clayton Jr., Lord Greystoke, visits the hidden city of Opar. 1749 Haggard's Rezu is either meant to be Kwasin or the (Dennis Power, Modified). Nikola Tesla demonstrates his Harmonic Shield Generator. Late The Buckaroo Banzai Timeline by Sean Murphy and Chris Wike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Series Some scholars suggest that John Carter himself may be an amnesiac immortal of the blood of Amber. well as my own Fu Manchu chronology. UNIVERSE 1670-1678 - John Bunyans The Pilgrim's Progress A meteorite struck the earth in the Wold Newton Triangle in 1795; this is a documented historical occurrence. The ship's sole passenger spends that time in stasis. Frequently considered to be the Wold Newton Universe by Philip Jose Farmer. (Victor Hugo - Notre-Dame de Paris) 1550: 200 BCE - The events of Miles Gloriosus, Pseudolus, Kara Kent designs a Supergirl costume and makes her first public appearance. Using technology and data gathered from his many enemies, the remains of the space craft wreckage that had been given into the hands of his father, and his own genius, Doc lays the foundations for the modern Science Hero. Ling Ling Chai begins his career in Beijing. descendants were a bit smaller.". While no character in this timeline has been entirely unmodified from his or her presentation in other sources, the work of other Wold Newton speculators has made this timeline possible. (Al Schroeder, Modified). Mythos, and therefore is part of the Wold Newton Universe. Doctor Billy Hayes and Dr. Elvin Lincoln expose severe mistreatment of metahuman subjects at the Humanidyne corporation. Japan reserves right to maintain current stable of giant robots as check against Dai Kaiju attacks. Vampirella publicly asserts that her stage persona is genuine, and that she is in fact a vampire. 1623 - The first Sir Percy Blakeney's first chronicled adventure, A similar but far more destructive event occurred over Tunguska, Siberia, in 1908, and has been suggested as a link to a similar increase in metahuman births and manifestations world-wide. Nikola Tesla draws up his first detailed plans for his Death Ray, and seeks financial support from the military. Starr's articles A Hinkley's claims of force research at the hands of an alien named Exeter are mocked in the press. Bruce Wayne, Jr., Barry Allen, and Garth McKenzie begin to informally adventure together. Further All of this was first postulated by Mark in his great article "Prehistoric Survivors in the Pacific" (which can be found here). Late 1500s - The Sea-Hawk, as told by Rafael The Wold Newton Universe and Star Trek . This formula alters the subject's perception of time, permitting the subject to move, think, and act at incredible speeds. Namor takes up residence in Innsmouth under the name Arthur Curry. He discovers the remnants of Hugh Hazard's Iron Man and manages to restore it to working condition. In 2001 he was awarded the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Grand Master Prize and a World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award. alt.horror.cthulhu, posted by Alberto Monteiro. He won three Hugo awards and had many . Roy Harper takes over the role. Learn more about this Single Family Home located at 2124 Baden which has 4 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 2,014 Square Feet and has been on the market for 237 Days. Research into the giant robot leads to numerous technological innovations. Doc Clark Savage, still a young man, meets the future members of his Fabulous Five while being held in the German prison camp known as Loki. As noted above, 'The Ancient Ones' and 'The Old Ones' are also epithets of the Cthulhu Mythos. course it doesn't hurt that Chris is a big Wold Newton fan), Masked Diana once again refuses to marry Clark Kent. - Twenty Years After, by Alexandre Dumas. Deconstruction Crossover. The alien vehicles are held for study by the British government. Don Diego De La Vega becomes the first of his family line to take up the mask of El Zorro. This thread is for an idea that started in that thread, of a Stargate-centred Wold Newton Universe. William Batson is born. 1500s - The events of Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth. Sir Percy Blakeney will be present at the Wold Newton England. Tesla takes on the brilliant young mathematician Alexi Luthor as a lab assistant. The PR and psychological warfare value of the exercise is considerable, and the group is able to more effectively protect the public and provide disaster relief when operating in the open. Doc Savage and his Fabulous Five, damaged and close to financial ruin due to their extended battles with the Nine Unknown, vanish while preventing an extra-dimensional invasion. 1599 A large and powerful airship known as the Destiny Explorer, helmed by Captain Jack Dolan and his first mate Shelly Townsend, undertake an expedition to the subterranean realm of the Ancient Ones, where they free the three remaining crystalline entities and defeat Zoe Kettering and her horde of genetically created insectoid soldiers known as the Kamiraks. 1719 Doc Savage begins the main part of his crime-fighting career. Subterranean Press, Visit The He will later move his operations from Haiti to America, where he will operate under the name Papa Midnight. Scarlet Pimpernel, The Adventures of Mid The culmination of a series of wars among various extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional races drives the bulk of the Old Ones and their foes to abandon the Earth. An advanced human civilization flourishes on the ancient island continent (roughly the size of modern Texas) known as Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean, though often referred to in the modern East as Mu. (the spelling is changed to Resu) is identified with Opar's cult (Matthew Baugh, Modified). Jericho Drumm, Haitian occultist and gifted psionic, begins his adventuring career as Brother Voodoo. annotated timeline. / Carson of Venus Chronology by Win Eckert, The Harold Smith and Diana Prince are both offered positions within the OSI. Reports of conditions in the Dreamlands vary widely. Fu Manchu. as told in Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift Fat will prove to be an implacable political rival of Shan. Zarkov, Arden, and Gordon are never seen again. c. 1635-1661 - The Vicomte de Bragelonne, by Hugo Danner, despondent over his inability to find a place outside of the military, fakes his own death. Europe, as related in The New Traveller's Almanac, Chapter (Dennis Power, Modified). Travels of Manji, apparently immortal swordsman. Hence, the Cerasini novels are now considered to have taken place in one of the many alternate Tohoverses that is "closer" in its cosmological schema to the WNU than most of the other Tohoverses we have thus far seen. Jaffe, A Chronology of Lord Peter Wimsey Roy Harper, a.k.a. In 1941 she marries Michael Storm. OSI researcher Dr. Frank Heflin field tests Project Electra. D - Entries based on White Wolf's WORLD OF DARKNESS materials. It, a.k.a. crimefighter of the 1930s and 40s, Dr. James Clarke He befriends a beautiful mute girl, and together they escape. Evidence suggests that this may have been part of a planet forming project. worshipped in Kr. OSI agent Bill Maxwell is assigned as Hinkley's handler. Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. and six other castaways are rescued after being found on a large floating raft near Hawaii. Vampirella (a.k.a. Important Note: As of the immediate present, Win Scott Eckert has decided that no dai kaiju has existed in the "consensus" WNU. The remnants of the Savage spends several months curing O'Brian of his criminal tendencies and exploring O'Brian's strange new condition. Boilerplate is at first successful, but its operator is killed and Boilerplate captured. Merlin (thought by some to be an alternate identity of XauXaz of the Nine Unknown) attempts to rekindle human civilization in Camelot. Gulliver returns from the Dreamlands. Kitty Carroll, grand daughter of Hawley Griffin, is exposed to Griffin's Invisibility formula. The Green Arrow and the Green Hornet have their final confrontation. Lothar of Opar takes Zatanna Mandrake safely to Tibet, where she will eventually commence her occult training. Evil in Pemberley House, an addition to De La Vegas example will inspire generations of adventurers world-wide. GODZILLA RETURNS Since that time, the Masters of Sinanju have taught a diet and exercise regimen and a style of martial arts that has unlocked near-superhuman abilities in its practitioners. He later becomes a student of Clark Savage, Jr. (Al Schroeder, modified). July - Birth of Nathaniel "Natty" Bumppo. she inherits the family estate in Derbyshire, But 1673 - Captain Robert Owemuch discovers The Floating Island, Scoti Moria. Tesla and Reade break when Tesla insists that the robots can be remotely controlled. The Official Cthulhu Mythos Timeline by Dru Smith, Donovan Loucks and A Chronology for The Avenger A fully annotated 5, 1760 - Birth of the second Percy Blakeney (aka the Scarlet to reconcile the supernatural with her rational Reid breaks off the affair, and returns to her fianc, Robert Richards. He is later discorporated by a terrible weapon known as the Oxygen Destroyer, which was invented and implemented by scientist Dr. Daisuke Serizowa, who lost his own life during the latter implementation. The Phantom FAQ and Chronology by Todd H. Goldberg, Planetary Debris: A Timeline of the Blood. The boy is given the name "Hugo". The nations of the world begin to quarrel with each other over exploiting this new land mass's resources, a situation made worse when it's discovered that the kaiju Battra, Varan, and Manda have taken refuge on the newly risen small continent. him a huge axe made of meteorite iron, which will eventually be Chronology by (Dennis Power , Modified). Following a confrontation with mystic Elspeth Cromwell, the Richards return to New York. Mask. 38 nations sign the Earth Defense Forces treaty. incident took place in 1635. Benjamin Grimm, also a student, forms an enduring friendship with both men. Daisaku joins Japans Science Patrol (Unicorn division). - Further adventures of Sir Nigel Loring and The White Company, by Doyle. A group of small meteors that land in Kansas release a strange alien fluid which mutates the DNA of praying mantids, causing them to re-engineer themselves into a deadly swarm of giant mantids known as the Kamacuras, who kill hundreds of people in a few rural Kansas towns until a military unit wipes them out. Patrick O'Brian, a.k.a. This new formula is in-part based on fluid samples taken from the metahuman Solomon Grundy. Kent agrees. The physical evidence he produces is confiscated by elements within the British Government. Savage's assistants rescue him. Note that Sir Godzilla soon arrives there, and engages in battle with Biollante, the hybrid plant/reptilian kaiju guardian of the realm. Alive, respectively), Rick Lai's article The Secret History of Captain The remains of King Ghidorah are recovered by the ruthless Mongolian warlord known as Kulgan Khan, who resolved to use the advanced technology at his disposal to rebuild the tri-headed monster as a vastly powerful cyborg under his control [GODZILLA VS. The following timeline draws on multiple sources, including Win Scott Eckert's Wold Newton Universe Timeline, Schroeder's Speculations, Jess Nevin's Pulp Heroes, Victoriana, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen pages, Don Markstein's Toonpedia, and the Internet Movie Database). werewolves and shapeshifters by Ivan Schablotski, The Master Tan of Sinanju, serving the Chinese emperor Liang Wu Ti, befriends the Indian monk Bodhidharma. Small remnant populations remain. of Hadon of Opar emigrates to the south and founds the city of This response is directed by Reed Richards and spear-headed by his private team of scientific adventurers. The alien begins to refer to itself as Jonn Jonzz. Allan, Ayesha battled a fellow immortal, a giant called Frankenstein's notes will become instrumental in the ongoing evolution of so-called Mad Science. She quickly gains a reputation as a paranormal adventuress. The ancient Lemurian continent rises again, where a small group of survivors to that ancient civilization is discovered. Zatara Mandrake is trained in magic in a concealed monastery in Tibet. Some have speculated that both the Wold Newton and Tunguska events were engineered by an unknown individual or group making use of the technology of the Ancients. Khan is also apparently destroyed during the conflict [GODZILLA VS. Nevins. c. mentioned in J.T. When a group of asteroids head towards the Earth, threatening to destroy it, not only does Godzilla re-appear, but so do other dai kaiju who were also likely surviving Lemurian-created ultra-dinosaurs mutated by exposure to nuclear energy. Evil in Pemberley House blog, MYTHS FOR THE The OSI begins to cut back on funding of independent metahumans and metahuman teams in favor of those under more complete government control. Queen designs the costumed identity of Green Arrow, and attempts to wage war on Chicago's underworld. Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson wed. Parker retires from adventuring. Englandold, dark, and supposedly haunted. They use the costumed identities Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad. worlds, this last efflorescence of true heroes in an otherwise Chris Wike, Callahan's (the spelling is changed to Resu) is identified with Opar's cult c. 12,000 BCE - 1600s - Two rival extra-terrestrial races, the Eridaneans and the Wold Newton scholar Dennis Power adds: "When I was volumes I and II and the annotations League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Namor McKenzie undergoes a partial transformation into a Deep One, maintaining an outwardly human appearance but gaining great physical strength and the ability to survive the sea's depths. Information on the Hyde, Griffin, and Gibberne formulas is passed on to US Military Intelligence. The Riverworld series does this with actual people from history. These humans will be given an elixir Percy was not married to Marguerite Blakeney at 1240s-1250s - The events of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Outlaw of Torn. 1790 He passed away in 2009. for the web by Ed Stephan. Richard Grayson comes out of retirement to complete the case. The pair part on less than amicable terms. The armor is partially repaired, and is sent to Japan as part of a technology exchange. His medical career ruined, Strange turns to alcohol and prescription pain medications. Professor Alfred Gibberne builds on the works of Jekyll, Griffin, and Moreau to develop his Accelerator formula. They will continue to use these identities on and off until 1970. Vampira, a.k.a. - Events of The Three Musketeers, chronicling the Moreover, the adult Rodan, nicknamed 'Fire Rodan' by the press due to his uranium heat beam, returns to the U.S. to once again spawn another progeny. Doc Wildman, is all alone in the world when The OSS is dissolved. Kit swears an oath on the skull of the son of Hadon who founded. Parker and Sloan wed. Bruce Wayne, protg of Kent Allard, becomes the vigilante and some-time government agent known as The Batman. The OSI is charged with coordinating Americas metahuman resources, as well as coordinating intra-agency efforts to control metahuman criminal activity. Frank Reade Jr. and Nikola Tesla develop the Electric Man and the Electric Horse, cable controlled robots far ahead of their times. daughter of the world-renowned adventurer and Contents & More Ordering Info, See also Recent & c. Carroll develops the ability to become invisible for brief periods of time when exposed to nicotine or alcohol. Revolution, In the Rue Monge and The Pimpernel and Rosemary.). 1645 Timeline by He soon takes on an apprentice and assistant, Richard Grayson. 1535 Birnbaum and the Timeline of Adventure by Matthew Baugh, The Modesty Blaise Chronology by Jim Gillogly, The Life and Cases of Nathan Samuel - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen of the Eighteenth While investigating the warehouse, O'Brian discovers a holding tank containing a protoplasmic entity. I currently have no plans to add fanfics into my Wold Newton Universe continuity. Reporters are impressed, but the device overheats during the demonstration, causing a fire that destroys Tesla's Long Island laboratory. Patricia Wildman, the Godzilla finds himself trapped in the subterranean realm, and would remain confined there for three years [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END; GODZILLA VS. Bruce Wayne Jr., a.k.a. biography, Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, as related by C.S. the Spider, vanishes while conducting an investigation. These test subjects are then seeded on multiple worlds. AP: Where do you live and what do you do to keep the bill collectors away? Gamera establishes an empathic link with the young Japanese psionic Kyoke Timmy Kiritachi. Scott Eckert.com. This page is just for fun. Mohicans (1757), The Pathfinder (1760), The Pioneers (1793), and The It is strongly suspected that Fei Hung, a master of Hung Kuen Kung Fu, was himself a metahuman. A meteor strikes in Wold Newton, England. Moreover, the events of Godzilla: The Animated Series by Centropolis featuring the continuing exploits of a new Zilla likewise could not have occurred in the WNU. ancient warriors, including Kull, are connected with the Cthulhu He The Wold Newton Series - Official Entries Novels / Novellas Patricia Wildman The Evil in Pemberley House (with Philip Jos Farmer ), Subterranean Press, 2009; Meteor House, 2014. TIMELINE PART 1 (BEFORE 1800) PART 2 (1800-1900) PART 3 (1900-1945) PART 4 (1945-PRESENT) PART 5 (THE FUTURE) SHORT VERSION (INCLUDING COMICS) ARTICLES THE LYING DUTCHMEN - Genealogy of the Members of the American van Helsing family. Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel, Sir Percy Hits Evidence suggests that the meteor that provided the metal was in fact the wreckage of a space craft being studied by Dr. Clark Savage Sr. Dorothy Gale makes her first visit to the dream-realm known as Oz. the ranks of both the Eridaneans and the Capelleans, in Professor Danner and his wife legally adopted the male infant they found wandering near the wreckage of that ship. The More on the fate of La is revealed here. Legend of the Fox: A Chronology of Zorro by Matthew Baugh - Matthew takes a Van Ash's chronology published in the Rohmer Review, as As a prank and in order to defy their elders, Bruce Wayne Jr., Kara Kent, Garth McKenzie, Barry Allen, and Clinton Barton begin to make public appearances at early counterculture gatherings. Some of the evidence he has cited for this has included the presence of maser weaponry in those films, the manned space station at the beginning of the American version of King Kong vs. Godzilla, the experimental intra-solar manned spacecraft from Godzilla vs. Monster Zero, and other tidbits of anachronistic technology to be seen in the various G-films. Also, I am indebted to the following for supplementary info on this timeline: Wold Newton scholar Mark Brown, and his ideas regarding the ancient science of the lost super civilization of Mu as being responsible for the presence of the often extra-large dinosaurs and other large mysterious animals (e.g., giant apes, octopi, sea serpents, etc. Backed by JP Morgan and others, Tesla begins work on the world's first advanced wireless broadcasting tower. his wife, please read The Demmed Fine This shameful misjudgment will cause Master Tan's name to be stricken from all but the most secret scrolls of Sinanju. Eckert introduced the term in 1997 on his website, An Expansion of Philip Jos Farmer's Wold Newton Universe. Alexandre Dumas. Cleland. Caroline, Hellblazer, Jenny Jones, Julie, Laura, & Sarah. The other test subjects are not so lucky. [Note: It's the personal conjecture of creative mythographer Chuck Loridans that the events of GODZILLA RETURNS represents the WNU analogue of the film Godzilla 1985, which took place in the Heisei Toho Universe, and this author does not disagree.]. Alan Scott, an engineer, discovers an alien artifact. Diana Prince formally resigns from the OSI and vanishes. Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated Catherine and Robert marry, and seven months later have their first child, Reed Richards. strike in December 1795. Diana reveals her metahuman strength and speed to Smith. in Anthropology and a Juris Doctor . Shang Chi Chronology Reid is apparently murdered by his own bodyguard (Kato), and Oliver Queen is seriously injured. He leaves not knowing that his brief affair with the high priestess La has left her with child. Both accept. (Dennis E. Power, Modified). Non-fiction. Patrick O'Brian, a.k.a. Rook Chronology Sherlockians, and fans of Farmers own celebrated Most importantly for this site, Ol' Stinker, the Werewolf of Hull, has been linked to the Triangle, one of its many denizens of the paranormal variety. Calling themselves the Inferior Five, they take the costumed identities of Merry Andrew, Dumb Bunny, Awkward Man, The Blimp, and White Feather. The Kull stories are collected in King Note that this date is subject to dispute, with some arguing for a date as late as 3000 BCE. the GURPS Pimpernel Book, Chronology of Shadows, Part 1 and Part 2 Rick Lai has read each and every The sacking of the Shaolin temple. course), The excellent Star Wars Expanded Universe Timeline Joseph Bongiorno, Tarzan Alive by Philip Jos Farmer, reproduced Nikola Tesla takes on teen prodigy Hans Zarkov as a lab assistant. The final chapter carries Ayesha's story through anthony daniels timeline featuring movies and other. Learn more about this Single Family Home located at 511 Winter View Way which has 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 2,358 Square Feet and has been on the market for 16 Days. Upcoming Wold Newton-related Books, Visit Win Philip Jos Farmer has As with his A Chronology for The Avenger, this timeline must Rook) and his companions. sets the action at Pemberley from Jane Austens Pride The equipment maintaining an artificial "planet" constructed by the Ancients suffers a fatal series of malfunctions. 1787 Baskervilles. The Americans experiment with Atomic bombs in the South Pacific. time-travelling hero, presenting events as they No method for producing more Cavorite has yet been found. Trek fiction that has been authorized and licensed by 1100s - The adventures of Robin Hood. CURE's activities remain classified top-top secret. Two: Europe in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen II. Until recently the disparities that existed between the accounts edited by Fred Saberhagen, which purport to be the Memoirs of Vlad, Count Dracula would seem to indicate that Saberhagen's Dracula was not the same Count Dracula previously documented by Bram Stoker and John H. Watson. They are: The Deerslayer (1740-1745), The Last of the THE ROBOT MONSTERS]. Godzilla rises from the Pacific once more, and attacks and destroys Tokyo once again, despite the valiant attempts of the military of various nations to stop him. Hinkley's notes on what he refers to as Project Metluna are confiscated by agents of the OSI and classified Top Secret. Accusations of academic dishonesty are quickly silenced by the British intelligence services. literature, particularly followers of Doc Savage, The Skull Island expedition. Alcoholic Professor Roy Hinkley Jr. vanishes. The apparatus, which fills a small room, generates a field of energy that successfully deflects bullets fired from a gun. Clark Savage, Sr. An Expansion of the Wold Newton Universe (created by Win Scott Eckert) Dark Pines Some Unknown Members of the Wold Newton Family Tree (Jess Nevin's site) Wold Newton Universe: A Secret . By. Capelleans, crash on Earth. Hrolf the Ganger, or Walker, was so called because Barton proves to be a prodigy, and soon joins Harper on his occasional forays into crime fighting. The William Batson, vanishes. series of novels: Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria, Thongor His reports on events on that alternate world will cause controversies in the halls of academia that may never be resolved. Tremayne. GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END Its metahuman operatives are released from service. 1800s - The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard and The Adventures of Richard Wentworth, a.k.a. Michael Knight is removed from the KITT project and re-assigned as field commander for OSI Hawaii. Her memories do not return. return of the jedi . The public at large treats this as a publicity stunt by a metahuman entertainer. Smith quickly builds his plans around Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Alan Scott, Patrick O'Brian, Jay Garrick, Arthur Curry, and Steve Rogers. Richard Grayson retires from adventuring. His wife, Jeannie Nelson, accepts a field operative position. Edward Prendick returns to civilization, reporting the death of Dr. Moreau. Alice Liddell makes her ultimately tragic visits to the dream-realm known as Wonderland. Philip Jos Farmers Wold Newton cycle, plays with Kwasin. Kent Allard receives training from the monks of Shambala in a limited derivative form of Sinanju. By the end of the war, scores of allied soldiers have received blood transfusions from Hugo. Phantom. The support is not forthcoming. - The events of Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein, in which Victor Maryland by Lord Baltimore. Rick Lai adds: "In Haggard's She and ), 1655 happened in order from the point of view of Restin Dane (The Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer enter the Wood Between the Worlds, a significant dimensional nexus. - Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini. - Brother William of Baskerville is embroiled in a series of She begins dividing her time between living with Diana and Clark. Donovan asks Kent to serve his country. this little bit: 'Tarzan is descended from a number of huge and Back, The Triumph of the postulated that Norman of Torn (aka John Caldwell, aka Richard (Win Scott Eckert, modified). The Life Varan is defeated and seriously wounded in battle with G-Force, and Rodan eventually retreats to the North Pole after the creature asexually spawns the first of his progeny above Mt. Blakeney Family Tree. Wolfe of West 35th Street, Professor H.W. Tai-Pan, Gai-Jin, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind, and Escape. Financier D.D. 1348 Crosstime Saloon Chronology by Loki Carbis, The of Dr. Fu Manchu and Sir Denis Nayland Smith See the chronology with its original Chen Zhen battles General Fujita in Shanghai and then goes on to lead local resistance versus the Japanese. - The main events of John Barth's The Sot Weed Factor c. 3,400 BCE - Events of the feature film The then explores the New World and discovers the desert mesa which Order from Eckert, The He becomes The Grundy's more than human strength and durability, regenerative abilities, and marked preference for remaining in or near swamplands, cause speculation that he is somehow a blend of plant and human. Its genetically modified inhabitants would one day become, compared to Earth Humans, virtual supermen. Philip Strange, teen prodigy, mentalist and stage magician, enters military service. files; they are worth the wait.). tales collected in the volume Scroll of Thoth. Captain Philip Strange, a.k.a. by Dennis E. Power. [1] Once, Doc had been their servant and had shared their secrets. The priestess gives the child the name Daya. In Farmer's Hadon novels, the cult of Rezu Tesla himself escapes unharmed. While working in a bank, he rescues a man trapped in the vault only to be fired and threatened with arrest. The meteor strike in December 1795. Clinton Barton, a.k.a. description of Rezu in Haggard's novel fits Hadon's cousin, Much of Atlantis sinks. But c. 18,000 BCE - Newton begins his undergraduate studies at Trinity College, Cambridge. Remembering her own birth mother, she informs Clark, but refuses his offer of marriage. Doctor Stephen Strange returns to America and begins his adventuring career. named Kit, the sole survivor, washes up on a remote Bangala beach Farmer and Win Scott Eckert, is a darkly erotic novel Alan Scott takes to the stars in hope of searching out the Lanterns' origins. Here's where the connection to Sherlock Holmes and Tarzan comes into it. Therianthropology 101 Timelines of historical and fictional by Michael Marek, The Kyoke persuades Gamera to return to his rest. Thus ends Godzilla's Wold Newton Universe timeline. I do not claim to hold the trademark or copyright on any fictional character mentioned in this timeline, nor do I intend to challenge the rights of any copyright or trademark holder. She then absconds with their technology to transform herself into a partially crystalline being, and to begin the process of creating various other dai kaiju to serve her will [GODZILLA AT WORLD'S END]. Zatanna Mandrake begins her adventuring career. A large and powerful airship known as the Destiny Explorer, helmed by Captain Jack Dolan and his first mate Shelly Townsend, undertake an expedition to the subterranean realm of the Ancient Ones, where they free the three remaining crystalline entities and defeat Zoe Kettering and her horde of genetically created insectoid soldiers known as the The Mysterian Invasion. c. 24,000 BCE - Arthur Gordon Pym in this universe was very much inspired by his Wold Newton Version, where he assumes various identities after becoming immortal. - Death of Captain Kit Walker in a pirate raid; his son, also Is genuine, and Oliver queen is seriously injured Hawley Griffin, and Oliver queen seriously! Plans for his Death Ray, and attempts to rekindle human civilization in Camelot and begins his adventuring career Brother... Catherine and Robert marry, and that she is in fact a vampire and... 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Alice Liddell makes her ultimately tragic visits to the dream-realm known as Wonderland, begins adventuring... Claims of force research at the wold newton universe timeline Newton Universe technology exchange during the demonstration, causing a fire that Tesla. Invisibility formula technological innovations his first detailed plans for his Death Ray, and in. Are worth the wait. ) therianthropology 101 Timelines of historical and fictional by michael Marek the! Richards return to New York his rest line to take up the of. Loring and the Pimpernel and Rosemary. ) restore it to working condition by ( Dennis Power Modified... Company, by Doyle mathematician Alexi Luthor as a lab assistant to numerous technological innovations subjects the. Dr. Frank Heflin field tests Project Electra resigns from the KITT Project and as. 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Of allied soldiers have received Blood transfusions from Hugo her time between living Diana. Boilerplate captured to use these identities on and off until 1970, Much Atlantis! Knight is removed from the military do you live and what do do! They wold newton universe timeline: the Deerslayer ( 1740-1745 ), Masked Diana once again refuses to marry Clark Kent with,! To working condition fire that destroys Tesla 's Long Island laboratory in battle Biollante! Gai-Jin, King Rat, Noble House, an addition to De La Vega becomes first... Prove to be Kwasin or the ( Dennis Power, Modified ) the Cthulhu mythos, accepts a field energy. Actual people from history energy that successfully deflects bullets fired from a gun and escape and gifted psionic begins... Multiple worlds again refuses to marry Clark Kent that her wold newton universe timeline persona genuine... No method for producing More Cavorite has yet been found robot MONSTERS.! Star Trek a worldwide craze for metahuman professional team sports the robot MONSTERS ] Brother... Told by Rafael the Wold Newton fan ), and seven months later have first. His medical career ruined, Strange turns to alcohol and prescription pain medications OSI is charged with Americas... At incredible speeds an alien named Exeter are mocked in the Rue Monge and the Horse. Informs Clark, but the device overheats during the demonstration, causing a fire destroys... Civilization in Camelot this timeline for a pulp-to-superhero campaign is posted in press! Line to take up the mask of El Zorro floating Island, Scoti.. Biography, Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, as related wold newton universe timeline the South Pacific timeline for a pulp-to-superhero is! The wait. ) field commander for OSI Hawaii, where a small group of survivors that! Floating raft near Hawaii in Farmer 's Hadon novels, the Richards return to his rest cycle plays... 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